New Candy Tool: Text Candy for Corona (50% off coupon inside)

Here is some code. About text field. As you can see the front square should be in front of the text field but it’s not. Because the text field is not part of the display hierchy. This creates lots of hassle as I was saying before.

Also we are currently not able to change the appearance of the input field. It’s really a pain.

Try to type a lot in it. See how it doesn’t go to the next line? There are so many missing features that make it impossible to use for anything above 50 chars or so.

back = display.newRect(0,0,200,200)  
local function fieldHandler (event)  
 if ( "began" == event.phase ) then  
 -- This is the "keyboard has appeared" event  
 -- In some cases you may want to adjust the interface when the keyboard appears.  
 elseif ( "ended" == event.phase ) then  
 -- This event is called when the user stops editing a field: for example, when they touch a different field  
 -- Hide keyboard  
 native.setKeyboardFocus( nil )  
 elseif ( "submitted" == event.phase ) then  
 -- This event occurs when the user presses the "return" key (if available) on the onscreen keyboard  
 -- Hide keyboard  
 native.setKeyboardFocus( newDescriptionTextField )   
newTitleTextField = native.newTextField( 13, 64, 200, 45, fieldHandler )  
front = display.newRect(10,20,300,300)  

[import]uid: 8192 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 36685[/import]

Well, native text fields are not related to Corona display objects and are not part of the display hierarchy, so there isn’t much we can do here. The only workaround I can think of would be to provide a custom keyboard or char table where the user can tap a char which is then added either to a Corona or Text Candy text object. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 36762[/import]

Hi guys,
has anyone some working coupon for PARTICLE CANDY ?
Thanks! [import]uid: 6831 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 36809[/import]

We are about to announce a new Particle Candy & Text Candy promo, we’ll post more details later today, stay tuned =)

[import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 38925[/import]


*offer only valid at participating Lua Files.
[import]uid: 8192 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 38929[/import]

=) [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 38946[/import]

any updates on the bundle coupon? been waiting to grab both :slight_smile: [import]uid: 75358 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 46881[/import]

Bundle feature is available now (buy one, get the other one half-off):

See here

Have a nice weekend! [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 46964[/import]


i have a little problem with using the Helvetica Font. Here is the code:

[lua]TextCandy.AddVectorFont(“Helvetica”, “0123456789AaBCDEFGHIJKLMNOoPQRSTUuVWXYZ’*@():,$.!-%+?;#/_”,16 )

local BG = display.newImage (“background.png”)

local MyText = TextCandy.CreateText({
fontName = “Helvetica”,
x = screenW*.5,
y = screenH*.5,
originX = “CENTER”,
originY = “CENTER”,
textFlow = “Left”,
charSpacing =2,
lineSpacing = 2,
wrapWidth = 200,
charBaseLine= “CENTER”,
showOrigin = true,
Color = {0,0,0,255}

works as expected in the simulator, but not on my 3gs. But as far as I see it should, because Helvetica is a native font. If I use Helvetica with display.newText, it works also normal on the device.

Mike [import]uid: 53732 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 73489[/import]

argh, I found the error.

iOS don’t like

[lua]TextCandy = require("…/lib_text_candy")[/lua]


[lua]TextCandy = require(“lib_text_candy”)[/lua]

everything works fine [import]uid: 53732 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 73509[/import]

Right, as with any LUA modules you require, the library file should always be placed in your project’s root folder. It doesn’t matter on Windows (not sure about MaxOS), but iOS doesn’t like it otherwise. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 73637[/import]

What ever happened to Glyph Designer support? [import]uid: 109175 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 74239[/import]

It’s actually ready-to-use, but we had no chance to test this feature extensively and did not want to deploy a more or less untested feature. Since then, this feature was not requested again, so we thought there wouldn’t still be a demand for it.

If one or two TC users would like to give it a test run, please email us (support -at- and we’ll send it to you. If there are no issues, it’ll be included with the next update (which could be out today or tomorrow, as soon as the testers give us a go).

We focussed on the export data of the Bitmap Font Generator tool, however -which should be compatible with Glyph Designer as well, afaik. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 74384[/import]

Shouldn’t be 71 (developer or glyph designer) to make their software compatible with TC (add an ‘export format’) ? [import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 74418[/import]

Well, AngelCode format is already used by a couple of tools -so it’s a good thing for TC users to be able to make use of these tools, too.

Glyph Designer is very straightforward and worth a try if you’re on a Mac.

Windows users can use the free BMFont tool to create basic bitmap fonts.

Both tools are supported with the next update, so you’ll be able to use your favorite image editing software, as well as these straightforward tools. While latter ones do not provide the same amount of effects and filters as an image editing software, creating a font is really a matter of seconds there. Just choose your desired font, set the font size and color, click on export and you’re done :wink:

After exporting, you can still apply some filters and effects to the exported images using an image editing software, as long as you do not change / exceed the chars boundaries then. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 74527[/import]

I have a question to glyph designer owner. I asked it on 71 forum, but maybe, here, with TC users, it could be more appropriate :

I was wondering how glyph delas with character alignement (actually, it’s the only point I have to solve before buying it).
I mean, when I “manually bitmap” (what’s I’m doing now without glyph designer) I take care to place my ‘a’ and my ‘p’ in the image canvas so that, when using the font, no SetCharYOffset is needed, and ‘p’ is not higher than ‘a’.

Does Glyph Designer do this job ?
[import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 74576[/import]

Didn’t try the full version of Glyph Designer (in the demo version, exporting feature is disabled), but any exported AngelCode format also includes an yOffset value for each char which Text Candy also reads and applies to each char then. So if you load an AngelCode font, usually you don’t have to apply char y-offsets manually, this is done automatically then.

I can’t tell you how Glyph Designer calculates those individual y-offsets and if they are always correct, but Text Candy reads them from the exported data file to automatically apply it to each char then.
[import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 74650[/import]

Thx for your answer.
Still needs someones for testing this TC feature ? [import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 74690[/import]

Thanks, Antheor, but we already got enough feedback yet and everything seems to work fine indeed. Update goes out today ^^ [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 74698[/import]

You’re a boss ! [import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 7999 reply_id: 74720[/import]