New plugins: Microphone and SoX Audio Tools

I’ve created two new plugins and they are available if you support me on Patreon.

The Microphone plugin lets you to record audio using the device’s microphone. Includes features like volume detector (start recording when the volume is above a threshold) and automatic gain control (try to increase recording volume to some level).

Documentation -

SoX Audio Tools plugin provides a set of algorithms that you can apply to audio files. Includes things like normalization, trimming, changing pitch, speed and applying various effects. SoX is a library and you can find more about it on their website

Documentation -

The nice thing is that these two plugins can be used together! Record an audio file and perform editing on it!


Hi @Lerg ,

If this plugin allows saving edited file … and i’m sure it does … then thanks a lot man… i have been waiting for years for this … i will try it out ASAP


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