Not getting in-app buy options using Fortumo

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

When the button is clicked the popup window shows that the payment was $4.99 with a OK button to close the popup. I don’t get the different price options to buy and the code after the “native.showAlert” code does not seem to execute. How should the button code below be structured? 

local buyFunction = function( event )

    if event.phase == “began” then buttonpress )


        function onPaymentComplete(response)

            local productName = response.productName

            local serviceId = response.serviceId

            local coinsAmount = tonumber(response.creditAmount)

            native.showAlert(“Fortumo Payment”, response.billingStatus, {‘OK’})


            if response.billingStatus == fortumo.BILLING_STATUS_BILLED then

                – The payment was successful



            elseif response.billingStatus == fortumo.BILLING_STATUS_PENDING then

                – The payment was probably successful (must wait to be sure)



                – Cancelled or failed




        local request = fortumo.newPaymentRequest()


        request:setDisplayString(“Buy Coins”)

        request:setService(“xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”, “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”)

        request:setProductName(“Wizard Coins Android”)



        fortumo.makePayment(request, onPaymentComplete)


    if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then



    return true


Hello Mike,

I’m really sorry it has taken some time to answer, there seems to have been a slight miscommunication with our support.

I’ve checked your service and price settings are correct, you should be able to see the price options, so we can narrow this down to either a device-specific issue or Corona plugin bug. I see that you were not able to provide a screenshot of the payment window earlier, could you please make a screenshot? Can you see any error messages from the logs when the payment is being loaded? Also, if it would be possible for you to try on another device besides Samsung S4, this would also be helpful.

Regarding your second question, can you tell if response.billingStatus gets any value? Is it -1?

The most common case that would cause such issue are incorrectly set permissions, PAYMENT_BROADCAST_PERMISSION in particular. Please check that permissions are set according to

Waiting for the additional info so that we can get this solved quickly.



Please provide me with what should be in the button code to make this work correctly.

The payment code looks correct, and I understand that the payment itself works fine for you?

Price options are always displayed for virtual currency services, irregarding the payment initialization parameters, so if the problem is that you’re unable to open the price selection, then it is definitely not related to your integration.

Please see my earlier questions, so that we can narrow this down: can you see any error messages in the logs? Can you try to see if the price selection works on a different device? Could you please provide some screenshots, and also specify your exact Android version and device model?

Hello Mike,

I’m really sorry it has taken some time to answer, there seems to have been a slight miscommunication with our support.

I’ve checked your service and price settings are correct, you should be able to see the price options, so we can narrow this down to either a device-specific issue or Corona plugin bug. I see that you were not able to provide a screenshot of the payment window earlier, could you please make a screenshot? Can you see any error messages from the logs when the payment is being loaded? Also, if it would be possible for you to try on another device besides Samsung S4, this would also be helpful.

Regarding your second question, can you tell if response.billingStatus gets any value? Is it -1?

The most common case that would cause such issue are incorrectly set permissions, PAYMENT_BROADCAST_PERMISSION in particular. Please check that permissions are set according to

Waiting for the additional info so that we can get this solved quickly.



Please provide me with what should be in the button code to make this work correctly.

The payment code looks correct, and I understand that the payment itself works fine for you?

Price options are always displayed for virtual currency services, irregarding the payment initialization parameters, so if the problem is that you’re unable to open the price selection, then it is definitely not related to your integration.

Please see my earlier questions, so that we can narrow this down: can you see any error messages in the logs? Can you try to see if the price selection works on a different device? Could you please provide some screenshots, and also specify your exact Android version and device model?

I finally got a device I can test on. Below is debug log and screen shot:

V/Corona  ( 2447): > Class.forName: network.LuaLoader

V/Corona  ( 2447): < Class.forName: network.LuaLoader

V/Corona  ( 2447): Loading via reflection: network.LuaLoader

I/Corona  ( 2447): Platform: QMV7A / ARM Neon / 4.2.2 / PowerVR SGX 544MP / OpenGL ES 2.0 build 1.9@2204701

V/Corona  ( 2447): > Class.forName:

V/Corona  ( 2447): < Class.forName:

V/Corona  ( 2447): Loading via reflection:

V/Corona  ( 2447): > Class.forName: plugin.fortumo.LuaLoader

V/Corona  ( 2447): < Class.forName: plugin.fortumo.LuaLoader

V/Corona  ( 2447): Loading via reflection: plugin.fortumo.LuaLoader


I am being told by Fortumo that the sandbox does not work in the US. This seems rediculous to me since they are the only IAP service for the NOOK which is only in the US and a couple EU countries. Has anybody else experienced this problem. Also their customer support has been very slow and horrible.

Hello Mike,

Sorry to hear you are unsatisfied with the customer support. In order to help you with your integration, it is important to have all the required information regarding your service provided. We have not been aware that you are integrating for NOOK - for testing credit card payment, there is a completely different procedure, please refer to the documentation:

Please let us know if you experience any other issues, and it would be of great help if you could please make sure the communication happens in a single thread.



Has anybody been able to use the Fortumo sandbox for testing in the US?

I finally got a device I can test on. Below is debug log and screen shot:

V/Corona  ( 2447): > Class.forName: network.LuaLoader

V/Corona  ( 2447): < Class.forName: network.LuaLoader

V/Corona  ( 2447): Loading via reflection: network.LuaLoader

I/Corona  ( 2447): Platform: QMV7A / ARM Neon / 4.2.2 / PowerVR SGX 544MP / OpenGL ES 2.0 build 1.9@2204701

V/Corona  ( 2447): > Class.forName:

V/Corona  ( 2447): < Class.forName:

V/Corona  ( 2447): Loading via reflection:

V/Corona  ( 2447): > Class.forName: plugin.fortumo.LuaLoader

V/Corona  ( 2447): < Class.forName: plugin.fortumo.LuaLoader

V/Corona  ( 2447): Loading via reflection: plugin.fortumo.LuaLoader


I am being told by Fortumo that the sandbox does not work in the US. This seems rediculous to me since they are the only IAP service for the NOOK which is only in the US and a couple EU countries. Has anybody else experienced this problem. Also their customer support has been very slow and horrible.

Hello Mike,

Sorry to hear you are unsatisfied with the customer support. In order to help you with your integration, it is important to have all the required information regarding your service provided. We have not been aware that you are integrating for NOOK - for testing credit card payment, there is a completely different procedure, please refer to the documentation:

Please let us know if you experience any other issues, and it would be of great help if you could please make sure the communication happens in a single thread.



Has anybody been able to use the Fortumo sandbox for testing in the US?