Not loading Appodeal banner ads in iOS 14.5

After updating my iPhone/iPad to iOS 14.5, I am not getting real banner ads anymore from Appodeal. I can still show test banner ads on iOS 14.5, and I can still show real and test banner ads on pre-iOS 14.5 devices, but real banner ads on iOS 14.5 devices always fail to load. Rewarded Videos and Interstitial Ads still work fine on all devices and all iOS versions.

I have added all the new SKAdNetworkItems to my plist in build.settings, and I have also added NSUserTrackingUsageDescription, which brings up the new ATT dialog, but real banner ads don’t load whether I have these items in my plist or not.

Has anyone else seen this problem or have a suggestion for a solution?

I am experiencing something similar with iron source so it may be an issue that ad networks are facing in general with ios 14.5. I’ve heard of similar issues with facebook audience network