To implement notifications, you will need to setup your build.settings in accordance with the Corona API docs.
The following then assumes you have acquired a subscription to Push Woosh ( The basic is FREE, but at the time this forum post was written, we had a $49 per month for unlimited subscriptions for a certain number of apps.
To implement specifically with Push Woosh, here is what you do:
Step 1) In your main.lua file, put:
local launchArgs = ... --======================================================================================= -- Pushwoosh notifications functions --======================================================================================= native.setProperty( "applicationIconBadgeNumber", 0 ) -- clear number on icon pushwoosh = require("pushwoosh") pushwoosh.setup(launchArgs) --this will catch any notifications that may have been pressed by the user causing the App to launch
Step 2) Wherever in your code that your App user indicates that he/she will accept your notifications, or if you just want the system to ask him/her and set the OS flag accordingly, you will place this code:
pushwoosh.setup() -- this will only run once, assuming that you keep a boolean flag not to run this again once the user has already given you permission
Step 3) Save the following code to pushwoosh.lua:
--================================================================================================ -- pushwoosh.lua --================================================================================================ local pushwoosh = {} local pw\_app\_code = {} local TAG = "[Pushwoosh] " local function sendRequest( method, args, success, fail ) local PW\_URL = "" .. method local function networkListener( event ) if ( event.isError ) then if ( error ~= nil ) then error( event ) end print( TAG .. PW\_URL .. " request failed: " .. json.encode(event) ) else if ( success ~= nil ) then success( event ) end print ( TAG .. PW\_URL .. " Response: " .. json.encode(event.response) ) end end local jsonvar = {} jsonvar = json.encode(args) local post = jsonvar local headers = {} headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" headers["Accept-Language"] = "en-US" local params = {} params.headers = headers params.body = post print( TAG .. "Sending request " .. jsonvar .. " to " .. PW\_URL ) network.request ( PW\_URL, "POST", networkListener, params ) end local function registerDevice( pushToken, app\_code ) local deviceType = 1 -- default to iOS if ( system.getInfo("platformName") == "Android" ) then deviceType = 3 end local commands\_json = { ["request"] = { ["application"] = app\_code, ["push\_token"] = pushToken, ["language"] = system.getPreference("ui", "language"), ["hwid"] = system.getInfo("deviceID"), ["timezone"] = 3600, -- offset in seconds ["device\_type"] = deviceType } } local function onSuccess( event ) local registrationEvent = { name="pushwoosh-registration-success" } Runtime:dispatchEvent( registrationEvent ) end local function onError( event ) local registrationEvent = { name="pushwoosh-registration-fail" } Runtime:dispatchEvent( registrationEvent ) end sendRequest( "registerDevice", commands\_json, onSuccess, onError) end local function sendAppOpen( app\_code ) local commands\_json = { ["request"] = { ["application"] = app\_code, ["hwid"] = system.getInfo("deviceID") } } sendRequest( "applicationOpen", commands\_json, nil, nil) end local function sendPushStat( app\_code, hash ) local commands\_json = { ["request"] = { ["application"] = app\_code, ["hwid"] = system.getInfo("deviceID"), ["hash"] = hash } } sendRequest( "pushStat", commands\_json, nil, nil) end local function sendDeliveryMessage( app\_code, hash ) local commands\_json = { ["request"] = { ["application"] = app\_code, ["hwid"] = system.getInfo("deviceID"), ["hash"] = hash } } sendRequest( "messageDeliveryEvent", commands\_json, nil, nil) end local function sendStat( event ) local hash = nil if ( system.getInfo("platformName") == "iPhone OS" ) then hash = elseif ( system.getInfo("platformName") == "Android" ) then hash = event.androidGcmBundle.p end if ( hash ~= nil ) then -- We cannot track message delivery until user opens it -- But if it is opened it is definitely delivered sendDeliveryMessage ( pw\_app\_code, hash ) sendPushStat( pw\_app\_code, hash ) else print( TAG .. "Error! Missing hash in push payload" ) end end local function onNotification( event ) print(json.prettify(event)) print( TAG .. "onNotification: " .. json.encode(event) ) if event.type == "remoteRegistration" then registerDevice( event.token, pw\_app\_code ) elseif ( event.type == "remote" ) then -- filter out GCM service notification if ( event.androidGcmBundle ~= nil and event.androidGcmBundle.from == "" ) then print( TAG .. "Warning! GCM registration token may be invalid. Try reregister with GCM." ) else sendStat(event) local notificationEvent = { name="pushwoosh-notification", data=event } Runtime:dispatchEvent( notificationEvent ) end end end --================================================================================================ -- public methods -- --================================================================================================ function pushwoosh.registerForPushNotifications( app\_code, launchArgs ) pw\_app\_code = app\_code sendAppOpen( app\_code ) if launchArgs and launchArgs.notification then print( TAG .. "Application was launched from a cold start in response to push notification" ) onNotification( launchArgs.notification ) end Runtime:addEventListener( "notification", onNotification ) -- For iOS, the app must explicitly register for push notifications if ( system.getInfo("platformName") == "iPhone OS" ) then local notifications = require( "plugin.notifications" ) notifications.registerForPushNotifications() end end --================================================================================================ function pushwoosh.setup(launchArgs) --------------------------------------- -- On notification --------------------------------------- local function onNotification( event ) print(json.prettify(event)) native.showAlert( "Notification:", or "", { "OK" } ) -- reset badge number native.setProperty( "applicationIconBadgeNumber", 0 ) end --------------------------------------- -- On registration success/failed --------------------------------------- local function onRegistrationSuccess( event ) print( "Registered on Pushwoosh" ) end local function onRegistrationFail( event ) native.showAlert( "Notification Registration Failed", "An Error Contacting the Server has Occurred. Please try again later from the application settings.", {"OK"}) end if booleanFlag and booleanFlag==1 then Runtime:addEventListener( "pushwoosh-notification", onNotification ) Runtime:addEventListener( "pushwoosh-registration-success", onRegistrationSuccess ) Runtime:addEventListener( "pushwoosh-registration-fail", onRegistrationFail ) pushwoosh.registerForPushNotifications( "xxxxx-xxxxx", launchArgs ) end end --================================================================================================ return pushwoosh
Step 4) Make sure that the booleanFlag variable (whatever you called it) discussed in the ‘comment within the code’ in Step 2 above is properly set and referenced properly in pushwoosh.lua line 189 above:
if booleanFlag and booleanFlag==1 then
Step 5) Be sure to insert your pushwoosh ID into the line just 4 lines from the end of pushwoosh.lua line 193 above:
pushwoosh.registerForPushNotifications( "xxxxx-xxxxx", launchArgs )
That’s it! I hope it helps you.