Thanks for your reply, yes I am very new to this but unfortunately has to come to handle this project but I am also tried the latest Solar2d daily build but still does not work, here is the build.settings.
settings =
plugins = {
["plugin.notifications.v2"] = {
publisherId = "com.coronalabs",
orientation =
default = "portrait",
supported = {"portrait"},
iphone =
plist =
CoronaDelegates = { "CoronaNotificationsDelegate", "CoronaFacebookDelegate" },
CFBundleDisplayName = "park2go",
CFBundleIconFiles = {
NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription = "PARK2GO would like to access your current location",
NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription = "For user profile",
NSCameraUsageDescription = "For scanning QR",
NSAppTransportSecurity =
NSAllowsArbitraryLoads = true
UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false,
FacebookAppID = "872773936157768",
CFBundleURLTypes =
{ CFBundleURLSchemes = { "fb872773936157768", } }
UIBackgroundModes = { "remote-notification" },
FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled = false,
types =
android =
versionName = "2.30",
versionCode = 20,
useGoogleServicesJson = true,
permissions =
{ name = ".permission.C2D_MESSAGE", protectionLevel = "signature" },
usesPermissions =
usesFeatures =
-- If you set permissions "ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" and "ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" above,
-- you may want to set up your app to not require location services as follows.
-- Otherwise, devices that do not have location sevices (such as a GPS) will be unable
-- to purchase this app in the app store.
-- { name = "android.hardware.location", required = false },
-- { name = "android.hardware.location.gps", required = false },
-- { name = "", required = false }
And here is the code.
if not device.isSimulator then
notifications = require( "plugin.notifications.v2" )
if device.isApple then