on IOS I get no Push Token

everything seems to work except in the users on the dashboard I get no Push Token, using the latest Corona SDK and plugin on iOS 10.

Android is working all ok, just IOS

Could you include the build number of Corona you are using? Are you seeing a no push token issue on iOS 9 or older as well?

Corona 2966

I tried iOS 9 (Xcode 7.31) and the same thing

I also tried 2 iPads, one with iOS 9.2.1 and one with iOS 10.1

Basically every combination.

Can you follow the instructions below to make sure your provisioning profile has “Push Notifications” enabled on it and is synced to your system through Xcode.


I know it is correct, I tested it out using Parse and the notification plugin and it works perfectly, so the provisioning profile is correct, with the onesignal plugin it just doesn’t set the push token. I even used the onesignal REST API to set it manually and it also worked.

There could be a conflict with another plugin. Can you make sure to remove all other push notification plugins from your build.settings and code for them?

If you still are seeing an issue after this please attach the full plugins list for your build.settings to your reply.


Already checked that…  

plugins =
        [“plugin.CoronaSplashControl”] =
            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”
        [“plugin.OneSignal”] =
         publisherId = “com.onesignal”,
     – Omit if you’re using ‘plugin.googleAnalytics’
     [“plugin.google.play.services”] =
         publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,
         supportedPlatforms = { android=true, [“android-kindle”]=true },

Thanks for all the details, we will be looking into this and get back to you later this week. Can you also try the release version of Corona or an older version to see if the problem still occurs?

I haven’t had a chance to test anything else yet due to work load, but the fact I can get push notifications using the corona notifications plugin and using the OneSignal Rest API, sort of points to the OneSignal Plugin

I am also getting “no push token” but only for Kindle.

I am also struggling with this issue for two days.

user registered including tags, but “No Push Token”!

i am working with Corona latest Daily build for Corona Enterprise and plugin.

any update on this? can you please help resolve this issue?




any update on this?

please it hold the release,

Thank you

I never resolved the problem, I tried for a few days with every configuration possible but I then had to move on to a clients project, I can only think that the plugin needs updating 

thank you, @cublah.

I think i will move out from oneSignal, I prefer paid service with normal support.


Sorry about the delay on this.

@tony_leung @cublah For Corona Enterprise starting with Xcode 8 you must now enable “Push Notifications” on the Xcode project under Capabilities. We have updated the link below to include this.


Please check the xcode log if this doesn’t solve the issue for any errors or warnings.

@Chinta @ Bit Craft Studios

There are a number of things that can cause no token for Kindle devices. Can you make sure your app_key.txt file is in the root of your project and is correct per step 3.4 our of guide?


Also you make sure you selected Amazon as the “Target App Store” when you build your app in Corona. I recommend checking the logcat for errors as more details will show here.


Could you include the build number of Corona you are using? Are you seeing a no push token issue on iOS 9 or older as well?

Corona 2966

I tried iOS 9 (Xcode 7.31) and the same thing

I also tried 2 iPads, one with iOS 9.2.1 and one with iOS 10.1

Basically every combination.

Can you follow the instructions below to make sure your provisioning profile has “Push Notifications” enabled on it and is synced to your system through Xcode.


I know it is correct, I tested it out using Parse and the notification plugin and it works perfectly, so the provisioning profile is correct, with the onesignal plugin it just doesn’t set the push token. I even used the onesignal REST API to set it manually and it also worked.

There could be a conflict with another plugin. Can you make sure to remove all other push notification plugins from your build.settings and code for them?

If you still are seeing an issue after this please attach the full plugins list for your build.settings to your reply.
