One appID per Game or One per Platform?


What is the GameAnalytics recommendation regarding appIDs? Create 1 appID for game (since I notice I can filter by platform inside the panel) or 1 appID for platform (1 for iOS, 1 for Android)?

Hi again. Well it actually depends on what you want to achieve. 

If you put everything in one app you can easily compare stats across platforms. However, at the moment GameAnalytics only allows segmentation by one dimension and you might prefer not to use that segment up with the platform field. Then you can separate platforms by the appID. 

Hi Ana.

Yes, that was exactly my concern (that I would be restricted somehow when trying to separate the data).

I will use 1 appID per platform then.

Thanks again. I am having a very good impression about GA for now, both from the platform and the Customer Support :slight_smile:

Thank you for the appreciation :). I’ll be around if you have any other questions. 

Hi again. Well it actually depends on what you want to achieve. 

If you put everything in one app you can easily compare stats across platforms. However, at the moment GameAnalytics only allows segmentation by one dimension and you might prefer not to use that segment up with the platform field. Then you can separate platforms by the appID. 

Hi Ana.

Yes, that was exactly my concern (that I would be restricted somehow when trying to separate the data).

I will use 1 appID per platform then.

Thanks again. I am having a very good impression about GA for now, both from the platform and the Customer Support :slight_smile:

Thank you for the appreciation :). I’ll be around if you have any other questions.