OneSignalSDK 1.9.0 Release

OneSignalSDK 1.9.0 Release

With this new SDK we have added a set of new features based on your feedback in addition to some bug fixes. If you’re using the Corona Simulator you will automatically get this new version when you build with 2014.2511 or newer. Corona Enterprise users, this will be available in plugin downloads after CoronaEnterprisePlugins.2015.2647.tgz. If you’re still using our GameThrive SDK please follow our OneSignal Corona SDK Overview to get up to date with our new SDK.


  • EnableNotificationsWhenActive - (Android & Amazon devices only) - Set to true if you want notifications to show in the notification area when the user is in your app.
  • EnableInAppAlertNotification - Set to true if you want notifications to show as a native alert when the user is in your app.
  • SetSubscription - Set to false to unsubscribe the user from OneSignal push notifications.
  • PostNotification - Allows you to send a notification from user to user or schedule a future one to the same device.
  • Improved debugging from SetLoggingLevel


  • iOS - isActive is correctly set to false in the DidReceiveRemoteNotification callback when a user opens a notification from the notification center.
  • Android - Fixed bug where DidReceiveRemoteNotification would stop firing after the user exited your app by pressing the back button.
  • EnableSound and EnableVibrate now call the correct functions.

Feel free to post any questions or if you have any issues related to the new SDK here.


I used Gamethrive in the past and now I am going to use it again in a new project.

I just noticed that OneSignal documentation on Corona Plugin site is not equal to the one on OneSignal site. It would be nice to have them both equal (or simply make the OneSignal documentation site link on the Corona Plugin site).

Regardless of that, I have a question: Corona moved the Push Notification to a separate plugin and its has its own instructions to setup build.settings, config.lua, ….    On the other side, the OneSignal documentation does not make any reference to the Corona Notification Plugin.  

So, does that mean that I can just ignore the Corona Notification Plugin and just follow the OneSignal plugin instructions, or do I need to do both?



The GameThrive plugin still works with our OneSignal service however it will no longer be receiving updates so you highly recommending updating to use OneSignal when you can. We’ll get the Corona documentation to reflect this.

Our plugin work independently of Corona’s notification plugin so yo can ignore it unless you need local notification support. The only caveat/gotcha for iOS is that if your use DisableAutoRegister in our plugin make sure you do not make any calls to Corona’s notification plugin until you call RegisterForNotifications. Otherwise the notification permission prompt will show sooner than you may want it to.



I used Gamethrive in the past and now I am going to use it again in a new project.

I just noticed that OneSignal documentation on Corona Plugin site is not equal to the one on OneSignal site. It would be nice to have them both equal (or simply make the OneSignal documentation site link on the Corona Plugin site).

Regardless of that, I have a question: Corona moved the Push Notification to a separate plugin and its has its own instructions to setup build.settings, config.lua, ….    On the other side, the OneSignal documentation does not make any reference to the Corona Notification Plugin.  

So, does that mean that I can just ignore the Corona Notification Plugin and just follow the OneSignal plugin instructions, or do I need to do both?



The GameThrive plugin still works with our OneSignal service however it will no longer be receiving updates so you highly recommending updating to use OneSignal when you can. We’ll get the Corona documentation to reflect this.

Our plugin work independently of Corona’s notification plugin so yo can ignore it unless you need local notification support. The only caveat/gotcha for iOS is that if your use DisableAutoRegister in our plugin make sure you do not make any calls to Corona’s notification plugin until you call RegisterForNotifications. Otherwise the notification permission prompt will show sooner than you may want it to.
