Orientation/Scaling Issue...

In my game that is set to landscape only, on an ipad 3, the interstitials and app walls show up in portrait view not centered and scaled wrong. 

Most times the close “X” show off screen so users are not able to close the ad! This will definatley cause some negative feedback and reviews!

Is anyone else having this issue? 

TapforTap, any response on this?

Phil wrote this on another topic:

The centring issue is a bug in the SDK and only
affects a small portion of ads. I am working on
fixing this. At the moment ads are never scaled larger to
try and avoid fuzziness introduced when scaling
ads. So if an ad is small, that is the size of the
ad that was uploaded into our system. Other
developers have mentioned this and we are
going to change the scaling behaviour to scale an ad up to 2x its native size, any larger and
smaller ads start to look very fuzzy. This is a
fix that we can deploy on the back end and will
not require an SDK or plugin update.

The original thread is here: forums.coronalabs.com/topic/39393-status-of-next-release

Phil wrote this on another topic:

The centring issue is a bug in the SDK and only
affects a small portion of ads. I am working on
fixing this. At the moment ads are never scaled larger to
try and avoid fuzziness introduced when scaling
ads. So if an ad is small, that is the size of the
ad that was uploaded into our system. Other
developers have mentioned this and we are
going to change the scaling behaviour to scale an ad up to 2x its native size, any larger and
smaller ads start to look very fuzzy. This is a
fix that we can deploy on the back end and will
not require an SDK or plugin update.

The original thread is here: forums.coronalabs.com/topic/39393-status-of-next-release