Hi people, have any of you tried playhaven yet? It works fine for me on Galaxy S3, 7" cheapo tablet and Nexus 7 but on HTC Deise S and DesireHD it chucks up this error: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Seems to be coming from when I call init. The code looks like this:
local playHaven = require("plugin.playhaven") local function listener(event) if event.data then print("PLAYHAVEN", event.data) end end local init\_options = {} --Get Platform if system.getInfo("platformName") == "Android" then init\_options = { token = "mytoken", secret = "mysecret" } end local init = function() playHaven.init(listener, init\_options) end timer.performWithDelay(1000,init)
With it working on the other stuff and being a java error I don’t see it being an error with this but I’m happy to be proven wrong!