PlayHaven plugin - problems

Hi people, have any of you tried playhaven yet?  It works fine for me on Galaxy S3, 7" cheapo tablet and Nexus 7 but on HTC Deise S and DesireHD it chucks up this error: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

Seems to be coming from when I call init.  The code looks like this:

local playHaven = require("plugin.playhaven") local function listener(event) if then print("PLAYHAVEN", end end local init\_options = {} --Get Platform if system.getInfo("platformName") == "Android" then init\_options = { token = "mytoken", secret = "mysecret" } end local init = function() playHaven.init(listener, init\_options) end timer.performWithDelay(1000,init)

With it working on the other stuff and being a java error I don’t see it being an error with this but I’m happy to be proven wrong!

In fact I have a feeling it may not even be to do with the call to init.  I think it just crashes when it requires the plugin.

Seems to be anything running on android 2.2, anything above doesn’t show the problem.

Any support available at all for this plugin?

Ohhhh… That is not a good news.  I mean, PlayHaven plugin crashes when it’s on Android 2.2…?  I was just about ready to add PlayHaven to the mix.

Is this still an issue?


Hi Naomi - yes its still an issue, Playhaven tech support are looking into the issue so hopefully they will fix it otherwise it’s not much good for use on Android at all!

Got it.  Thank you, @Supertapp.  I appreciate you letting me know.  Let’s hope they’ll address it quickly.

Meanwhile, I was able to see the PlayHaven ads on test device on test mode, but I haven’t seen it appear on device when I disabled the test mode and published it (to see how it shows on screen.)  Here’s what I tried, but the ads never show up:

  1.  Removed test devices from PlayHaven dashboard.

  2.  Published the app at PlayHaven dashboard.

  3.  Generated a device build with an app version that is already published in Google Play store.

Is there anything else I need to do before PlayHaven starts serving real ads?  I wouldn’t want to deploy APK without ever eyeballing how it looks.


Hi Naomi have you tried pugging it into adblogcat?  I had the same problem with ours but I didnt set the playhaven dashboard up just the Corona side.  When something was wrong it was pretty good at printing the reason why to the log. As I remember you need to “add content” to something on the playhaven dashboard.

Hi Supertapp, yes, I was looking at the adblog cat, and it was failing to display ads.  It didn’t fail when I had the test device added and showing test ads.  I didn’t keep the log, and I don’t remember exact event.status I was getting.  For now, I decided not not to include PlayHaven ads…  I don’t have time to work this out before I get my release build out the door for now.


I dont blame you I think it’s not a great move releasing a plugin that does not work properly.

any news on this? i get the same error as you have mentioned above.

Nope.  We stopped using it in Android apps.

That’s very bad, i just wanted to give it a try! (all integrated…)

What other solution did you take?

Used revmob instead.  Playhaven tech support said something like they didn’t think it was compatible with anything equal to or below Android 2.3 but then went awol.  Not sure if they are working on a fix or what??  Very frustrating.

…this is no good news!

I have tried revmob before, did not work out, not at all on android. but well!

HI everyone. Does anybody got the solution to this error:  java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError? 'cause i am stuck on the same page as you guys. :confused:

They are working on a fix…

In fact I have a feeling it may not even be to do with the call to init.  I think it just crashes when it requires the plugin.

Seems to be anything running on android 2.2, anything above doesn’t show the problem.

Any support available at all for this plugin?