What are “Views” under “Account” section ?
How can i spent “Credits” to get more “impression” in Tap Exchange deal. How to control it ? I only know the Off / Low / Med / High selector. But let say i want to spent 10000 credits to get masive short campaign of one app. How to do it ?
Does impressions and taps are also cumulated to my account just like credits ? This is not written on account page. This information is confusing, becasue we store credits as a global but impression and taps are earned / spent in reality. So what is purpose to show credits ? This is very confusing to me. I can imagine a game like starcraft that you have minerals and gas counter on the main screen, but actually all transactions are made in some other values like gold or wood What is going on ?
Does service is real time ? I can see some things are real time (like Views or credits) and some are not (like impression). How to check what is real time and what is not ?