I tested building using the old plugin, and I didn’t get any errors when building on a Mac.
Can you post the exact error message you are getting?
I tested building using the old plugin, and I didn’t get any errors when building on a Mac.
Can you post the exact error message you are getting?
This is error
Corona Simulator Runtime error Attempt to call field 'getPluginVersion' (a nil value)
My code:
print( "Chartboost plugin version: ".. chartboost.getPluginVersion() )
And error:
Corona Simulator Runtime error Attempt to call field 'cache' (a nil value)
My code:
-- Cache Default Ad function LoadCacheAds() chartboost.cache( "interstitial" ) end -- Cache More Apps function cacheMoreApp() chartboost.cache( "moreApps" ) end -- Show More Apps button function ShowMoreApp() chartboost.show( "moreApps" ) end