Please for me CoronaChartboostPlugin by Swipeware (.lua)

Today, I can’t use Plugin Chartboost by Swipeware. I don’t want use Corona Ads. Please for me CoronaChartboostPlugin by Swipeware (.lua). Thank you very much!

The old Chartboost plugin (by Swipeware) is still available on the Corona build servers. However, please keep in mind that the old plugin will not be updated, and uses version 5 of the Chartboost SDK (almost 2 years old) which isn’t compliant with iOS 10. You can continue to use the old plugin, but do it at your own risk. There is no guarantee that it will work indefinitely.

The new Chartboost plugin (integrated with Corona Ads) uses the latest Chartboost SDK (version 6.5), is fully compliant with iOS 10 and is the official Corona plugin which will continually be updated with their latest SDK.

To confirm, if I want to use Chartboost on iOS 10, I need to use Corona Ads. Is that accurate?

The old plugin will not crash, but ad service will be limited. It’s therefore highly recommended to use the official Corona Chartboost plugin.

You can read more here:

Plugin Chartboost by Swipeware can’t use. Now it’s error!

I can’t use Corona Ads because Corona Ads only payment to Paypal and not support payment to bank.


What error are you getting?

Chartboost Plugin by Swipeware error on MAC OSX. Error to show when you using method chartboost

Chartboost will not show ads in Corona Simulator on macOS. 

You need to test on a device by building for Android or iOS.

It’s error by code, i can’t build it on Mac

I tested building using the old plugin, and I didn’t get any errors when building on a Mac.

Can you post the exact error message you are getting?

This is error

Corona Simulator Runtime error Attempt to call field 'getPluginVersion' (a nil value)

My code:

print( "Chartboost plugin version: ".. chartboost.getPluginVersion() )

And error:

Corona Simulator Runtime error Attempt to call field 'cache' (a nil value)

My code:

-- Cache Default Ad function LoadCacheAds() chartboost.cache( "interstitial" ) end -- Cache More Apps function cacheMoreApp() chartboost.cache( "moreApps" ) end -- Show More Apps button function ShowMoreApp() "moreApps" ) end


Can you also post your build.settings file?

The old Chartboost plugin (by Swipeware) is still available on the Corona build servers. However, please keep in mind that the old plugin will not be updated, and uses version 5 of the Chartboost SDK (almost 2 years old) which isn’t compliant with iOS 10. You can continue to use the old plugin, but do it at your own risk. There is no guarantee that it will work indefinitely.

The new Chartboost plugin (integrated with Corona Ads) uses the latest Chartboost SDK (version 6.5), is fully compliant with iOS 10 and is the official Corona plugin which will continually be updated with their latest SDK.

To confirm, if I want to use Chartboost on iOS 10, I need to use Corona Ads. Is that accurate?

The old plugin will not crash, but ad service will be limited. It’s therefore highly recommended to use the official Corona Chartboost plugin.

You can read more here:

Plugin Chartboost by Swipeware can’t use. Now it’s error!

I can’t use Corona Ads because Corona Ads only payment to Paypal and not support payment to bank.


What error are you getting?

Chartboost Plugin by Swipeware error on MAC OSX. Error to show when you using method chartboost

Chartboost will not show ads in Corona Simulator on macOS. 

You need to test on a device by building for Android or iOS.

It’s error by code, i can’t build it on Mac