Plugin Adbuddiz not found


Im getting the following error when trying to build with Adbuddiz Plugin:

Last week the same code was running ok.

Any solution?

Thanks very much and cheers!

Hi Sergimrtnz,

It looks like there is an error in your build.settings. Can you please post it (or send it to me : etienne at adbuddiz dot com) so I can check it?


In the first post the error was because this line was commented (sorry):

[“plugin.adbuddiz”] = { publisherId = “com.adbuddiz”, }, 

The real error  is this:


No problem :slight_smile:

It appears that you’re using an old version of Corona.

Our plugin is available starting Corona 2013.2100

Please keep me posted if the problem still exists after updating your Corona version.


Thanks very much!

I’m using corona on 2 computers and that’s why last week was running well on the other computer.


Hi Sergimrtnz,

It looks like there is an error in your build.settings. Can you please post it (or send it to me : etienne at adbuddiz dot com) so I can check it?


In the first post the error was because this line was commented (sorry):

[“plugin.adbuddiz”] = { publisherId = “com.adbuddiz”, }, 

The real error  is this:


No problem :slight_smile:

It appears that you’re using an old version of Corona.

Our plugin is available starting Corona 2013.2100

Please keep me posted if the problem still exists after updating your Corona version.


Thanks very much!

I’m using corona on 2 computers and that’s why last week was running well on the other computer.



This build.settings is correct?

[lua]-- Supported values for orientation:
– portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight

settings = {

orientation =
default = “landscapeRight”,
supported =

plugins =
[“plugin.adbuddiz”] = { publisherId = “com.adbuddiz”, },

iphone = {
plist = {
UIStatusBarHidden = false,
UIPrerenderedIcon = true, – set to false for “shine” overlay
–UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = true, – uncomment to quit app on suspend

– iOS app URL schemes:
CFBundleURLTypes =
CFBundleURLSchemes =
“fbXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”, – example scheme for facebook
“coronasdkapp”, – example second scheme

– Android permissions

android =
usesPermissions =


Seems good, what’s your problem?

Thank you;

So, When I run the .apk into real device the app lauch ANR.

Can you send me logCat to etienne at adbuddiz dot com ?

Also please explain why you think it’s link to AdBuddiz SDK.


My Friend;

Now, I’m not have to acess my computer. Only night.

But when I comment the line code Adbuddiz.showAd() not lauch ANR.

This is my first try to use Corona and AdBuddiz.

But, I have already used AdBuddiz with native android and works perfectly.

Thank you very much.


Ok, I’m waiting for the logCat via email.


This build.settings is correct?

[lua]-- Supported values for orientation:
– portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight

settings = {

orientation =
default = “landscapeRight”,
supported =

plugins =
[“plugin.adbuddiz”] = { publisherId = “com.adbuddiz”, },

iphone = {
plist = {
UIStatusBarHidden = false,
UIPrerenderedIcon = true, – set to false for “shine” overlay
–UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = true, – uncomment to quit app on suspend

– iOS app URL schemes:
CFBundleURLTypes =
CFBundleURLSchemes =
“fbXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”, – example scheme for facebook
“coronasdkapp”, – example second scheme

– Android permissions

android =
usesPermissions =


Seems good, what’s your problem?

Thank you;

So, When I run the .apk into real device the app lauch ANR.