Plugin "Missing"

I am trying to migrate my application to the new plugin.facebook.v4 from the old, but receive this error upon launching the application in the simulator:

PluginSync: plugin com.coronalabs/plugin.facebook.v4 needs to be updated for platform mac-sim to build number: 2669 Aug 11 03:23:10.973: PluginSync: downloading plugin: Aug 11 03:23:11.159: Runtime error Module 'plugin\_facebook\_v4' not found:     no field package.preload['plugin\_facebook\_v4']     no file '/Users/camerondavies/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin\_facebook\_v4.lua'     no file '/Users/camerondavies/Projects/EndeavorConnect/plugin\_facebook\_v4.lua'     no file '/Applications/CoronaSDK-2692/Corona\_facebook\_v4.lua'     no file '/Users/camerondavies/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/plugin\_facebook\_v4.dylib'     no file './plugin\_facebook\_v4.dylib'     no file '/Applications/CoronaSDK-2692/Corona\_facebook\_v4.dylib'File: module 'plugin\_facebook\_v4' not found stack traceback: [C]: in function 'require' ?: in function 'require' main.lua:9: in main chunk

Attempting to build regardless of the error results in the following error

Build Failed A Device build error occurred on the server. buildId : 55ca6a06dea65 Error:

The Daily Build 2015.2692 is the one being used. The plugin settings for the facebook plugin in build.settings are as follows:

plugins =     {      ["plugin.facebook.v4"] =         {           publisherId = "com.coronalabs"        }    }

The call for the plugin in my main.lua is: 

local facebook =  require("plugin.facebook.v4")

I know that the plugin is not currently supported by iOS. I’m trying to build for android.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have sought help on the following webpages already.

Hi nighthunterthexiii,

You can safely ignore the simulator runtime error. The missing file in question is just a stub file that will print a message anytime you call one of the facebook-v4 APIs in the Corona Simulator. Since the facebook-v4 plugin won’t do anything in the simulator, that missing stub file would just print a warning saying, “The plugin.facebook.v4 library is not available in the Corona Simulator.”

As for the device build failing, try migrating our Facebook sample included with Corona SDK and see if you get the same results. If the Facebook sample builds fine, try building your app again with some significant portions commented out, and post the results.

I tried and encountered the same errors. 

The build.settings plugin section, the only section I modified

plugins = { -- This section is only required for builds \> 2014.2430 ["plugin.facebook.v4"] = { -- required publisherId = "com.coronalabs", }, --[[This section is only required for builds \> 2014.2165 ["plugin.facebook.v4"] = { -- required publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone = true, ["iphone-sim"] = true }, },--]] },

The main.lua section I modified

local widget = require("widget") local facebook = require("plugin.facebook.v4") local json = require("json")

The application did end up building successfully. Will try building my app again.


I did create the sample in a test project as requested, My build logs shows this : 

Using custom Build Id 00000

Excluding specified files from build: 

   excluding: Icon.png

   excluding: Icon-Small-*.png

   excluding: Icon*@2x.png

ERROR: An error occurred during build. The server returned the following message:

A device build error occurred on the server. 

BuildID: 55cc925309a41 

Error: You are not currently subscribed to the follow plugin.

Publisher: com.coronalabs 

Plugin: plugin.facebook.v4

Android build failed (5)

local facebook = require ("plugin.facebook.v4") facebook.login( appIdAndroid, facebookListener , {"email", "publish\_actions", "user\_birthday"}) function facebookListener( event ) print("Facebook info : " .. event.type) end

Also the dialog within the windows simulator is blocking the execution, so I am not able to continue to test the app.

I created a bug report : (Case 42241) plugin.facebook.v4 plugin not working

Hello again,

So after enabling the plugin within the plugin directory there :

I am able to build. Still I am not able to test it without having to relaunch at startup.

Thank you !

The simulator stub file failing to download for both Mac and Windows simulators has been fixed.

Nice ! I ll test it right away and will report here.

Hi nighthunterthexiii,

You can safely ignore the simulator runtime error. The missing file in question is just a stub file that will print a message anytime you call one of the facebook-v4 APIs in the Corona Simulator. Since the facebook-v4 plugin won’t do anything in the simulator, that missing stub file would just print a warning saying, “The plugin.facebook.v4 library is not available in the Corona Simulator.”

As for the device build failing, try migrating our Facebook sample included with Corona SDK and see if you get the same results. If the Facebook sample builds fine, try building your app again with some significant portions commented out, and post the results.

I tried and encountered the same errors. 

The build.settings plugin section, the only section I modified

plugins = { -- This section is only required for builds \> 2014.2430 ["plugin.facebook.v4"] = { -- required publisherId = "com.coronalabs", }, --[[This section is only required for builds \> 2014.2165 ["plugin.facebook.v4"] = { -- required publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone = true, ["iphone-sim"] = true }, },--]] },

The main.lua section I modified

local widget = require("widget") local facebook = require("plugin.facebook.v4") local json = require("json")

The application did end up building successfully. Will try building my app again.


I did create the sample in a test project as requested, My build logs shows this : 

Using custom Build Id 00000

Excluding specified files from build: 

   excluding: Icon.png

   excluding: Icon-Small-*.png

   excluding: Icon*@2x.png

ERROR: An error occurred during build. The server returned the following message:

A device build error occurred on the server. 

BuildID: 55cc925309a41 

Error: You are not currently subscribed to the follow plugin.

Publisher: com.coronalabs 

Plugin: plugin.facebook.v4

Android build failed (5)

local facebook = require ("plugin.facebook.v4") facebook.login( appIdAndroid, facebookListener , {"email", "publish\_actions", "user\_birthday"}) function facebookListener( event ) print("Facebook info : " .. event.type) end

Also the dialog within the windows simulator is blocking the execution, so I am not able to continue to test the app.

I created a bug report : (Case 42241) plugin.facebook.v4 plugin not working

Hello again,

So after enabling the plugin within the plugin directory there :

I am able to build. Still I am not able to test it without having to relaunch at startup.

Thank you !

The simulator stub file failing to download for both Mac and Windows simulators has been fixed.

Nice ! I ll test it right away and will report here.