Plugin not found (Appsaholic Commercial Break)

Hello, I would like to integrate a Commercial Break in my android game but it doesn’t work. I get the following error “module ‘plugin_combre’ not found”.

I added in main.lua:

local combre=require(“plugin.combre”)

and in build.settings:

settings =
    orientation =
        default = “landscapeRight”,
        supported = {“landscapeRight”},
    plugins =
        [“plugin.combre”] =
            publisherId = “com.appsaholic”,
            supportedPlatforms = { android=true }

Build 2016.2830

Thanks for your help!

Hello, I would like to integrate a Commercial Break in my android game but it doesn’t work. I get the following error “module ‘plugin_combre’ not found”.

I added in main.lua:

local combre=require(“plugin.combre”)

and in build.settings:

settings =
    orientation =
        default = “landscapeRight”,
        supported = {“landscapeRight”},
    plugins =
        [“plugin.combre”] =
            publisherId = “com.appsaholic”,
            supportedPlatforms = { android=true }

Build 2016.2830

Thanks for your help!

Hey, I presume you’re getting this error on the simulator?.

If so, try this instead:

plugins =     {         ["plugin.combre"] =         {             publisherId = "com.appsaholic",             supportedPlatforms = { android=true, win32=true, osx=true }         },     },

Thanks for your help but I still get the same error. Yes, it’s on the windows simulator.

Try leaving the supportedPlatform line out (well comment it out) and run the Simulator and see if it solves it.


As you can see on the following video, the same problem occurs:

Is it a problem with the server to download the plugin?

What is strange is that if I remove combre=require(“plugin.combre”), there’s no error. It means that the plugin is loaded. So, why it says that it didn’t found??

The errors you are getting is because your require can’t find the plugin.  Do me a favor and try to build for device and see if you get the error or if you’re only getting it in the Windows simulator.



Yes it works on the device but there’s another problem:
When the advertising is finished, it ends on an unavailable web page “geoclose” and there’s no way to come back to the app even with the device back button.

Here’s what happen when the ad ends, then the app stay blocked on a web page not available :


We’ve identified the cause of the plugin not found error and will get that addressed soon. Engineering is still looking into the 2nd issue.


Thanks for your reactivity, I wait for the corrections :slight_smile:

The plugin not foud error seems corrected now, the second issue not yet…

I’m having a plugin not found error with IAP Badger.

@waltsir We need you to file a bug report on the 2nd issue. Please create a simple project that demonstrates the issue. The plugin must have a main.lua, build.settings and config.lua file and any other assets needed to let us build the app, run it and see the problem without our engineers having to make up any code or make any art/sound assets needed. Put all of this in a .zip file and use the “Report a bug” link at the top of the page. You will get an email upon successful submission and that email will have a Case ID# in the subject. Please post it back here. When you fill out the form, its also helpful to put the URL of this post in the bug submission text along with your description.

@Kevinv H, this thread is regarding Commercial Break. Please make a new thread to discuss your issue.


Ok, thank you!

Hello, I would like to integrate a Commercial Break in my android game but it doesn’t work. I get the following error “module ‘plugin_combre’ not found”.

I added in main.lua:

local combre=require(“plugin.combre”)

and in build.settings:

settings =
    orientation =
        default = “landscapeRight”,
        supported = {“landscapeRight”},
    plugins =
        [“plugin.combre”] =
            publisherId = “com.appsaholic”,
            supportedPlatforms = { android=true }

Build 2016.2830

Thanks for your help!

Hey, I presume you’re getting this error on the simulator?.

If so, try this instead:

plugins =     {         ["plugin.combre"] =         {             publisherId = "com.appsaholic",             supportedPlatforms = { android=true, win32=true, osx=true }         },     },

Thanks for your help but I still get the same error. Yes, it’s on the windows simulator.

Try leaving the supportedPlatform line out (well comment it out) and run the Simulator and see if it solves it.


As you can see on the following video, the same problem occurs:

Is it a problem with the server to download the plugin?

What is strange is that if I remove combre=require(“plugin.combre”), there’s no error. It means that the plugin is loaded. So, why it says that it didn’t found??