problem Login and Sharing with facebook

Hello, i can’t extend the permissions on the app when i have facebook already installed on the mobile and it say i have an error with the hashkey then i changed the hashkey and same error but when i try again with facebook uninstalled, everything work.

When i install facebook again and im already logged on the app and try to share, the share dialog is different than the share dialog without facebook installed.

oh and 2 months ago, everything worked

thanks for the help

After searching, now i understand a little more why it work when facebook isnt installed.

If the mobile device does not have a native Facebook app installed, it will use Facebook’s website to log in. This happens through a web view, so your app is never actually suspended to the background. In general, the

web-based login method is very reliable, but you (the developer) cannot control if your app’s user does or doesn’t have the native Facebook app installed. Therefore, you must support both methods.

i would like to know if i can use facebook.isFacebookAppEnabled() to force the application to use the web view instead of the native Facebook app ?