I have purchases Qiso Isometric Tilemap Engine from the Corona SDK Market Place.
I am trying to test out the functionality as seen at https://qiso.qweb.co.uk/documentation.
I have updated the plugin section of my project build settings and loaded the Qiso library within my “main.lua” file:
local qiso = require “plugin.qisoengine”
When I add and run the following code, I get an error stating the sample-tilemap cannot be found. I understand “qiso.setAssetsFolder(“assets”)” is assigning the assets folder, but I do not see any area on the Corona Marketplace site to download these assets.
– Load a Lua formatted Tiled Map Editor tilemap into a Qiso map.
Please advise on where/how I can get the assets.
– Enable zooming when the screen is pinched
– Enable camera panning when the screen is dragged
– Enable the main Qiso loop to render/update our world
Can someone please help me find how to acquire the asset files?