I have removed all references to Fuse from my build.settings and I am leaving the “Enable Analytics and Monetization” box unchecked, but I am noticing this in the console output when starting my app:
I/Corona ( 2769): Platform: Nexus 7 / ARM Neon / 5.1.1 / NVIDIA Tegra 3 / OpenGL ES 2.0 14.01003 / 2016.2830 / English | US | en_US | en
V/Corona ( 2769): > Class.forName: plugin.fuse.LuaLoader
V/Corona ( 2769): > Class.forName: CoronaProvider.licensing.google.LuaLoader
V/Corona ( 2769): < Class.forName: CoronaProvider.licensing.google.LuaLoader
V/Corona ( 2769): Loading via reflection: CoronaProvider.licensing.google.LuaLoader
The plugin does not appear to actually be loading, which is good, but I am curious why it is attempting to load.
Also, I remember typing in some command in the terminal to make the “Enable Analytics and Monetization” checkbox show up, but I can’t find the page with that command now so that I can reverse the action. Is there a way to do it and should I?
Best regards,