I just finished implementing AdBuddiz and so far everything looks ok. I notice that it is very simplistic though. For example, I don’t see any way to create campaigns that let me choose a CPM like Chartboost does.
I noticed in the documentation that the showAd function can accept a placement parameter. But I can’t tell if that parameter does anything. I assume the placement is similar to a namedlocation in Chartboost, but I don’t see any way to set that up in the publisher portal. So does the placement parameter do anything?
For the bug I noticed (on Android), if you press the home button right before the ad shows or when it is already showing, then resume the application, the ad disappears and will not be shown again. Even if the cache () function is called again, nothing will get shown if I call showAd. The strange thing is that isReadyToShowAd returns true. The only way to fix it is to restart the app (which is not a very good solution for me).
It would be nice if there were a function that we could call to manually clear the cache to prevent situations like this.