request me/friends - how many results (friends) per response?

Dear Corona-community,

according to facebooks “using the Graph API” - page ,

we “usually don’t receive all of the results of that request in a single response. This is because some responses could contain thousands of objects so most responses are paginated by default.”

I am wondering how many results per page I’d get when I request me/friends for example. I am aware this request only responds with friends who have installed the app on their device. Are we talking about two-digit, three-digit or even four-digit numbers per response?

I couldnt find any limits or numbers, maybe some of you have had any experiences or know a number.


/edit: It seems that without setting a limit field, 25 friends are responded by default. If I set limit=5000, I get my 32 testusers I created within facebook app center. Cant find any exact numbers though: Would I get 5000 friends (who all have my app installed) in a single response when limit = 5000 is set?