RESOLVED: Appodeal Plugin Initializes Over and Over on IOS


I have been using the old appodeal plugin without issue for several years now. I am upgrading to the beta version due to the new Google policy violations that the old plugin had. Everything is working as it should on Android, but on IOS the plugin keeps initializing over and over. I created a small test app and it is doing the same there as well. The test ad displays properly but the repeating appodeal.init function really affects the performance of my app. Below is my test code. I have tried both the latest public builds and daily builds. I am running xcode 10.1.

Thank you ahead of time for any assistance.



local appodeal = require( "plugin.appodeal" ) local json = require("json") local function appoListener( event ) print("APPD "..json.prettify(event)) if event.phase == "init" then if event.isError == false then print("APPD appodeal initialized successfully", appodeal.getVersion()) appodeal.load("banner") end end end appodeal.init( appoListener, {appKey="MY\_APP\_KEY", testMode = true} ) local function showAd() print("APPD showAd") if appodeal.isLoaded("banner") then"banner") timer.cancel(myTimer) end end local myTimer = timer.performWithDelay( 5000, showAd, -1 ) 


settings = { plugins = { ["plugin.appodeal.beta.base"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, ["plugin.appodeal.beta.AppLovin"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, -- I removed most of the ad providers just for this test }, orientation = { default = "portrait", supported = { "portrait", } }, android = { usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE", "android.permission.WRITE\_EXTERNAL\_STORAGE", }, }, iphone = { xcassets = "Images.xcassets", plist= { UILaunchStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen", NSAppTransportSecurity = { NSAllowsArbitraryLoads = true }, }, }, }

Output from above:

Nov 11 11:59:05 George-Scotts-iPad AppodealTest[1218] \<Notice\>: APPD { "data":{ "pluginVersion":"1.6.0b", "sdkVersion":"2.5.0" }, "name":"adsRequest", "phase":"init", "provider":"appodeal", "isError":false } Nov 11 11:59:06 George-Scotts-iPad AppodealTest[1218] \<Notice\>: APPD { "data":{ "pluginVersion":"1.6.0b", "sdkVersion":"2.5.0" }, "name":"adsRequest", "phase":"init", "provider":"appodeal", "isError":false } Nov 11 11:59:06 George-Scotts-iPad AppodealTest[1218] \<Notice\>: APPD appodeal initialized successfully Nov 11 11:59:07 George-Scotts-iPad AppodealTest[1218] \<Notice\>: APPD appodeal initialized successfully Nov 11 11:59:07 George-Scotts-iPad AppodealTest[1218] \<Notice\>: APPD { "data":{ "pluginVersion":"1.6.0b", "sdkVersion":"2.5.0" }, "name":"adsRequest", "phase":"init", "provider":"appodeal", "isError":false }

*** UPDATE ***

For future readers, this has been resolved by removing the appodeal.getVersion() command out of the print statement located in the listener. Not sure why Android was ok with it but IOS was not.


print(“APPD appodeal initialized successfully”, appodeal.getVersion())


print(“APPD appodeal initialized successfully”)