Roadmap August 12 (Scott Harrison edition)

Hello, All long time no see. There is a lot of new stuff since the last Roadmap.

First off, I passed a major milestone. I hit 50 plugins mark. That is pretty great. :slight_smile:

here is a list of stuff that has come out since the last update

A new Fortumo Plugin has been released

Android Pop up Plugins

Google Sign In

Image Crop

Firebase Invites

Bluetooth Plugin for iOS and Android (don’t let link fool you)

Corona QA has been so quick that with in around two days they have been able to review my stuff( maybe things are just slow)

Things in Development

iOS Permissions Plugin 

PS: I start school on August 20th, so my plugin development may slow down, time will tell. 

Booya!  50 :slight_smile:

Congrats on the big 50, that’s awesome!


Wow, 50 plugins  :blink:

Congratulations Scott! You deserve a price from corona labs for your great work.

Booya!  50 :slight_smile:

Congrats on the big 50, that’s awesome!


Wow, 50 plugins  :blink:

Congratulations Scott! You deserve a price from corona labs for your great work.