I have been learning Corona Cards IOS using the Single view example and it has now grown into a work in progress app. Now I intend to have this in Landscape mode but it doesnt work properly. I thought it was something I had broken so I created a new project using the Simple View Template, added a touch function to the crate and lo and behold it doesnt work. The view controller is rescaling to fit the new orientation but the button events are still at the old position.
So what is going on? How do fix this? I have tried removing portrait screen orientations in Xcodes project settings so it only loads in Landscape but buttons still want to be in portrait mode positions, I have fiddled around with the view controller settings and only made it worse.
I have looked around for documentation for Xcode project settings for things like this can cant find a thing so unless I have missed a very obvious guide for this kind of thing then I could really do with one.