Sharing an image from URL

I’m trying to share an image using the social plugin. All the examples I have seen for sharing images use a local image, but I need to share an image from my server. So I’ve tried the following code:

native.showPopup("social", { message = "some message", url = "", image = { { filename = "imageurl" } } })

This doesn’t get the image shared, but it also causes the app I’m trying to share it with to crash (been testing on Android so far, iOS is coming soon). So I’m guessing I’m doing something wrong, and would appreciate any guidance…

If the social plugin needs a local image, you would probably  need to download the image and then access it locally. 



I’m downloading the image to the device prior to sharing it. Hope it’ll do the trick.

Check whether this post can help  you or not. :slight_smile:

If the social plugin needs a local image, you would probably  need to download the image and then access it locally. 



I’m downloading the image to the device prior to sharing it. Hope it’ll do the trick.

Check whether this post can help  you or not. :slight_smile: