Two questions here:
- When my app displays a Facebook dialog to share a post to the user’s wall the description and picture are as instructed, while the title (I assume the title is the bold text in the shared message) always says “graph.facebook.com”. What am I doing wrong?
Here’s the code:
local shareParams = { title = "App Title!", description = "Here's a cool game called xxx. I just got " .. scoreToSubmit .. " points in it!", picture= "http://graph.facebook.com/" .. PLAYER2ID .. "/picture?type=large", } facebook.showDialog( "feed", shareParams )
- I would like users to ‘seamlessly’ reopen the app once they approved the Facebook login once (i.e. not have to click the ‘login with facebook’ button again)
I was thinking about doing getAccessToken() on startup then if it’s nil – go to the login scene, if it cointains anything – proceed with facebook.login(). Is this alright? What if the token has expired?