Sideways PlayHaven ads

Hi, I have used playhaven/upsight ads before, but now I am running into a problem with my new game. My app is in landscape orientation, but the test ads appear in portrait upside down orientation. Just curious if anybody else has had this problem, or how I might fix it. It could be just a test ad problem. The ads do appear correctly on my iPad running ios 7, but the problem is on my iPhone 4s running ios 8. So it could also be device related or an ios 8 problem. Thanks!


You must set it from  playhaven dashboard. Open and press edit “Edit” then check the “landscape” box.

Thanks for responding! I do have the landscape box checked in app settings, so I don’t think that is the problem.

Did you manage to solve this? I’m having the same problem too. 

Hi gamebit labs. It turns out apple changed some things related to device orientation in ios 8, and playhaven will not be updating the plugin because they dropped support for corona. They told me you can build your app with ios 7 as a target for a workaround, but I just switched to some different ad networks.

Thanks for the update. 


You must set it from  playhaven dashboard. Open and press edit “Edit” then check the “landscape” box.

Thanks for responding! I do have the landscape box checked in app settings, so I don’t think that is the problem.

Did you manage to solve this? I’m having the same problem too. 

Hi gamebit labs. It turns out apple changed some things related to device orientation in ios 8, and playhaven will not be updating the plugin because they dropped support for corona. They told me you can build your app with ios 7 as a target for a workaround, but I just switched to some different ad networks.

Thanks for the update.