Simulator gives Module 'facebook' not found:

Corona Simulator Runtime error

Module ‘facebook’ not found:

no field package.preload[‘facebook’]

no file ‘/Users/aamir/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/facebook.lua’

no file ‘/Users/aamir/Sites/lotterya/facebook.lua’

no file ‘/Applications/CoronaSDK-2970/Corona’

no file ‘/Users/aamir/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Plugins/facebook.dylib’

no file ‘./facebook.dylib’

no file ‘/Applications/CoronaSDK-2970/Corona’


File: module ‘facebook’ not found

I get this error everytime i try to launch my app.  I have the build.settings plugins added with references to facebook such as below. 

plugins =


        [“facebook”] =


            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,

            supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, [“iphone-sim”]=true },



Hi andrewvonpelt,

This is intentional to encourage usage of the Facebook-v4 plugin. If you do a device build, your app will still use the legacy Facebook plugin.

See the “Important” box in the docs for more info.

I’m attempting to use the the Facebook V4 implementation, i’m following the directions on this which i was sent to as starting steps from the Facebook-V4 plugin page…

Ah, gotcha. Those instructions were originally written for the legacy plugin and we’re in the process of updating them for Facebook-v4 as the Facebook-v4 plugin is leaving beta.

The Project Settings for Facebook-v4 should give you what you need for including the plugin in build.settings.

If you’re following that guide but making modifications for Facebook-v4, you may also want to reference the Migration Notes.

Hi andrewvonpelt,


The Facebook-v4 (now known as simply “Facebook”) plugin is now out of beta:


And with that we’ve updated several bits of documentation, including the aforementioned Implementation Guide and Plugin Project Settings.


Consult the new Facebook Versioning/Upgrade guide for more info:

Hi andrewvonpelt,

This is intentional to encourage usage of the Facebook-v4 plugin. If you do a device build, your app will still use the legacy Facebook plugin.

See the “Important” box in the docs for more info.

I’m attempting to use the the Facebook V4 implementation, i’m following the directions on this which i was sent to as starting steps from the Facebook-V4 plugin page…

Ah, gotcha. Those instructions were originally written for the legacy plugin and we’re in the process of updating them for Facebook-v4 as the Facebook-v4 plugin is leaving beta.

The Project Settings for Facebook-v4 should give you what you need for including the plugin in build.settings.

If you’re following that guide but making modifications for Facebook-v4, you may also want to reference the Migration Notes.

Hi andrewvonpelt,


The Facebook-v4 (now known as simply “Facebook”) plugin is now out of beta:


And with that we’ve updated several bits of documentation, including the aforementioned Implementation Guide and Plugin Project Settings.


Consult the new Facebook Versioning/Upgrade guide for more info: