I second this in most points. I also feel that it is perhaps a little counterproductive that financial data for the engine’s development is not accessible openly. I think more developers might actually contribute and support if they were kept up to date with what the core team are prioritising in terms of features and how their monetary support could help the development of the framework.
I also feel that there should be a list of primary, secondary and optional objectives for the engine’s development so that features that are consider a necessary component from developers’ perspective can be prioritised and made stable and usable
If you check websites for other engines, there are always some aspects that are highlighted as it’s main offerings- easy integration of social login, monetisation plugins using ads and IAPs, push messaging, game network services, analytics etc. I think we often stray from these primary objectives as a community and a lot of these critical features are still very buggy and not very well documented. I know there will always be someone who has everything worked out— i know I’ve got most things working that i need for my projects but I’m not sure it’s sustainable that we just answer questions for struggling new members on case by case basis.
The engine will be so much more attractive if everyone could get some of these basics set up with little effort and could be secure in the knowledge that this main set of features will always be kept up to date.
Secondary priorities, imho, could revolve around core game development capabilities. The engine is already very performant and feature rich but frame pacing issues and somewhat tedious implementation for other features can be worked on. No major complaints on this front though
I have sincerely tried to push this engine as an investment opportunity to gaming businesses who are looking to invest and back a lightweight gaming engine but there are always some red flags that lead to things fizzling out.
I will gladly help in any which way I can but even as a long time developer and community member I don’t always feel like I know much about what the future holds.
I would sincerely like to help though. Thanks for reading.