Solar2D marketplace:, Iron Source Plugin, Future Bundles

Just want to make a couple of announcements about plugins on and future updates.

While I have many plugins on, I just want to make it clear that any plugin hosted by on this site will not be receiving any updates.

Why?: There a quite a few reasons like shows more info like doc link, descriptions, and updates. There is also the pain of submitting updates to two different sources and doing customer support. Also Courage(jk)?

So going forward if you want to update to use newer versions of any of my plugins, I recommend using the equivalent

If the equivalent does not exist on, that means there are probably not plans to update it.

Two other quick sidenotes, there is a new Iron Source Meditation Plugin with a free 7-day trial now available at

Also, expect to see new bundles and plugins on soon




Wow, these are really cool - thanks for sharing Scott.

Hi Scott, we had tried your ironSource plugin for a while but had to drop it because there are multiple issues that make it very difficulty to choose over the Coronalabs plugin but going forward, I think to have an up to date and bug-free plugin for ironSource with mediation will be great for the community. I am briefly listing some of the things that we felt should be improved-- I don’t know if you have plans to update the plugin but we’d definitely like to resume our subscription if the plugin can be improved:

  • There is not straightforward way to show/hide banners. Hiding it requires for a new load() call to be made which also automatically “shows” the banner so the banner ads aren’t really usable.
  • While the audio issue for ios was fixed for interstitial ads, it is still present for rewarded video ads and if an ad is shown, the app’s audio is turned off and only comes back on after suspending and resuming the app.
  • There are some minor convention issues with the names for the events’ phases which some times forces developers to add unnecessary redundancy in checking for status of the different types of ads. This is not a major problem but perhaps something you may consider looking at at some stage.

Thanks and all the best

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Hi Scott,

I saw that Firestore had an update on 9/3. Is it possible to update Query?

Thank you.