sponsorpay error


im pro user,

using corona latest public release and upgraded to latest xcode 4.6 ( I also tried with xcode 4.5)

i tried to compile corona Sponsorpay example without success, i keep receiving  this error " null" and couldnt

complete the build process

i have generated app id from Sponsorpay and secret token for testing

im using sponsor pay code corona provided in this url https://raw.github.com/SponsorPay/mobile-sdk/master/samples/corona-v1.0.zip

Ist a bug? or im doing something wrong?

I get that error when there is a syntax error and you try to build or there is an error in a module that you’re code isn’t using (so it doesn’t show up in the simulator).  Also are you using other plugins with SponsorPay?

I have the same problem…

My Xcode version 4.6.2

I’m added just in build.settings

    plugins =


        – key is the name passed to Lua’s ‘require()’

        [“CoronaProvider.ads.inmobi”] =


            – required

            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,



And tried build for iOS

I saw “null”

And errors in terminal (attachment)

You need to do the following from a terminal window:

xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

Rob thanks so much! It’s works!

I get that error when there is a syntax error and you try to build or there is an error in a module that you’re code isn’t using (so it doesn’t show up in the simulator).  Also are you using other plugins with SponsorPay?

I have the same problem…

My Xcode version 4.6.2

I’m added just in build.settings

    plugins =


        – key is the name passed to Lua’s ‘require()’

        [“CoronaProvider.ads.inmobi”] =


            – required

            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,



And tried build for iOS

I saw “null”

And errors in terminal (attachment)

You need to do the following from a terminal window:

xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

Rob thanks so much! It’s works!