I’m trying to implement SponsorPay in my game. My idea is to show video to the players and give them award. I’ve created button which calls function watchCommercial().
This function calls sponsorpay.startFunction and after some delay requestMBEOffers(). In result listener I always get that event.hasOffers is false. Do I need to do some additional setup on my SponsorPay account so user can see video?
Thanks in advance!
local function resultListener( event ) print(event.name); print(event.success); print(event.mbe); print(event.error); print(event.mbe.hasOffers); end local watchCommercial=function(event) local appId = "xxxxx"; local userId = nil; local securityToken ="xxxxxxxx" ; sponsorpay.start( appId, userId, securityToken ) timer.performWithDelay(5000,function() print("++++++++++++++++"); sponsorpay.requestMBEOffers(resultListener); end); end