Status of Next Release

I know a couple of you are waiting for the next release to be able to publish your apps. I believe I have tracked down the issues reported and fixed them.

The fixes required changes to the native SDKs and as such I want to spend some time testing them to make sure that they don’t have any unexpected consequences elsewhere. Also over the past few days I have been able to fix numerous bugs in the native SDK and want to include those fixes. So look for a release of the plugin next Monday or Tuesday.

Sorry for the trouble and thanks for your patience and help solving these problems.


Thank you Phil!

double post

Can’t wait  :blink:

I am still getting an error when I try to run Tap For Tap within my application. It says “RUNTIME ERROR: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError”. I’m running Android 2.3.6 on my device so I don’t know if it’s an issue with my version of Android or what.

New release is out. Let me know if you are still having any problems.



I’ve tested it on Android 2.2 and the error on init is gone! now i’ll test if if crashes the app, i’ve found out that the events names have changed, now it’s onShowAd, onDismissAd, instead of onShow, and onDismiss, I believe it’s worth to mention this, as many can get their program logic screwed up because of this.

I can confirm everything is working just fine, i’ve tested on both of my devices (android 2.x and android 4.x) and it works like a charm no crashes and no init errors, thank you phil you’re the man!

Hi Daniel - thank you very much! The events “onReceiveAd” & “onDismissAd” worked, but I can’t get “onShowAd”, but “onTap” (not “onTapAd”) just works with an Interstitial. Any Idea? 

Phil, maybe you can list all working events? 

im using interstitials only and I do get onShowAd event, i havent checked if there is an event for when you actually tap the ad and yes, it would be very useful if phil could list all the available events!

I apologize for the change in names, that was not supposed to be part of the release. Because it will be confusing for people I will have to revert the names to the old correct ones (plus I introduced an inconsistency between iOS and Android that needs to be fixed) and push the update. I did add a new event onTap but have not had a chance to document it. Again I do apologize for the inconvenience.

A note on the onTap event.

Often it does not fire in Lua until after the user returns to the app. This is due to how I currently propagate events up through to the runtime. I propagate events from Java to Lua using the CoronaRuntimeTaskDispatcher. The event is queued to run but is not always run before the SDK launches a new activity, thus pausing the app. Upon return to the app, the previously queued event gets chance to run. I know this is not ideal and am looking into ways to improve this behaviour.

List of events as requested:

Banner Events:




Interstitial/App Wall Events (They have the same names but use different listeners)






One more question: the Interstitials are not centered and seems scaled - any idea?

The centring issue is a bug in the SDK and only affects a small portion of ads. I am working on fixing this.

At the moment ads are never scaled larger to try and avoid fuzziness introduced when scaling ads. So if an ad is small, that is the size of the ad that was uploaded into our system. Other developers have mentioned this and we are going to change the scaling behaviour to scale an ad up to 2x its native size, any larger and smaller ads start to look very fuzzy.  This is a fix that we can deploy on the back end and will not require an SDK or plugin update.

so when the definitive release will be done? i was planning to release my app today!

I’m experiencing the centring issue on iPod5 too. I’d really appreciate it if this was fixed.


I have the orientation problem too, my app is landscape only, and it always shows the interstitial as portrait, so the close button does not show :confused: I cannot close the ad, i’m on a Iphone 4, iOS 5

Thank you Phil!

double post

Can’t wait  :blink:

I am still getting an error when I try to run Tap For Tap within my application. It says “RUNTIME ERROR: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError”. I’m running Android 2.3.6 on my device so I don’t know if it’s an issue with my version of Android or what.