[Still waiting for help 2 months later] Fullscreen ad not closing

I tested out the fullscreen ad in my app and it will not close on the Landscape left orientation. It will however close on all other screen orientations just fine. I have tried the 704 & 741 builds of Corona SDK with no luck. Any help?

-Chandler Mayo

P.S. The skip button shows, but the user cannot tap on it only in Landscape Left. [import]uid: 104852 topic_id: 21555 reply_id: 321555[/import]

I’m having the same issue. Any rotation except for one landscape will not close. It appears the skip button’s touch only works when in Landscape Left. [import]uid: 10008 topic_id: 21555 reply_id: 85698[/import]

Similar problem. My game keeps playing in the background while the ad is being shown on top of everything. Is there a way to check to see if the ad has been closed or not? Or maybe listen for when the “skip” button is pressed? [import]uid: 94309 topic_id: 21555 reply_id: 91901[/import]

Same here! Will try to close the ad manually by assigning the listener with ad.hide to the back button until this is fixed (EDIT: works like a charm, try it guys). [import]uid: 52103 topic_id: 21555 reply_id: 92602[/import]

Could you post code describing what you mean by:

"Will try to close the ad manually by assigning the listener with ad.hide to the back button "

Thanks [import]uid: 101897 topic_id: 21555 reply_id: 94757[/import]

It is doing the same things for me. Works one way and not the other. [import]uid: 8533 topic_id: 21555 reply_id: 95336[/import]

I figured that posting this here we would get an answer. But just like when I sent interactive an email I guess we will never get a response until they find it when cleaning out there inbox (Waited 2 months last time).

Interactive isn’t looking to be on my good side. [import]uid: 104852 topic_id: 21555 reply_id: 98846[/import]