Storyboard and Inneractive Ads

How is inneractive set-up with Storyboard. Prior to the Storyboard declaration (local storyboard = require “storyboard”) or after, when using ads in multiple scene’s? Has anyone established a list of items in using Storyboard with inneractive? [import]uid: 6288 topic_id: 20711 reply_id: 320711[/import]

Interesting question.

I have inneractive ads working in a non-storyboard, non-director app and I have it working in a Director based app. But I’m working on a storyboard based app and I see the impressions record in inneractive’s control panel but I don’t get the ads to actually display.

Now I’m using the “inneractive.lua” file that a community member created to deal with full screen ads properly. I’m using this in both my director base game (which shows the ads) but it fails to show them in the storyboard based app.

[import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 20711 reply_id: 81319[/import]

I’m using it the Storyboard and initialize in the main.lua file and show in each scene that I want it in. Displays every time for me.

Not sure its the right way but thought there would be an overhead to a global ad. [import]uid: 103970 topic_id: 20711 reply_id: 81739[/import]