Tap For Tap Plugin Init Error


Everything was working fine last week but now i get an error when try to initialize tapfortap plugin. I am using Corona SDK Version 2013.1202 (2013.8.28) + iphone5, IOS 6.1.4 . I thought it was about TapForTap SDK ver3 and deleted the app at tapfortap control panel but couldnt manage to recreate it again. Below is the error i got when calling tapfortap.initialize(MyTapForTapId). Any ideas??

Sep 11 03:00:03 Spaceman FruityChef-0969[10264] <Warning>: Generic error

    NSInvalidArgumentException: *** setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key: app_version)


        0   CoreFoundation                      0x332e03ff <redacted> + 186

        1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x3afdb963 objc_exception_throw + 30

        2   CoreFoundation                      0x332425ef <redacted> + 142

        3   FruityChef-0969                     0x002b5039 luaopen_plugin_tapfortap + 22688

        4   FruityChef-0969                     0x002b471d luaopen_plugin_tapfortap + 20356

        5   FruityChef-0969                     0x002b44bf luaopen_plugin_tapfortap + 19750

        6   FruityChef-0969                     0x002bb96f JoinURLComponents + 11394

        7   FruityChef-0969                     0x002bb89d JoinURLComponents + 11184

        8   FruityChef-0969                     0x002afff5 luaopen_plugin_tapfortap + 2140

        9   FruityChef-0969                     0x002b0281 luaopen_plugin_tapfortap + 2792

        10  FruityChef-0969                     0x002aeb7f _ZN15PluginTapForTap19initializeTapForTapEP9lua_State + 202

        11  FruityChef-0969                     0x001209a9 CoronaPushNativeObject + 172204

        12  FruityChef-0969                     0x0012d4d9 CoronaPushNativeObject + 224220

        13  FruityChef-0969                     0x00120b97 CoronaPushNativeObject + 172698

        14  FruityChef-0969                     0x0011a443 CoronaPushNativeObject + 146246

        15  FruityChef-0969                     0x00125397 CoronaPushNativeObject + 191130

        16  FruityChef-0969                     0x001209a9 CoronaPushNativeObject + 172204

        17  FruityChef-0969                     0x0012d517 CoronaPushNativeObject + 224282

        18  FruityChef-0969                     0x00120b97 CoronaPushNativeObject + 172698

        19  FruityChef-0969                     0x0011a565 CoronaPushNativeObject + 146536

        20  FruityChef-0969                     0x0012e2a7 CoronaPushNativeObject + 227754

        21  FruityChef-0969                     0x00120dcb CoronaPushNativeObject + 173262

        22  FruityChef-0969                     0x0011a53d CoronaPushNativeObject + 146496

        23  FruityChef-0969                     0x00143e93 CoronaPushNativeObject + 316822

        24  FruityChef-0969                     0x001360a3 CoronaPushNativeObject + 260006

        25  FruityChef-0969                     0x00158699 CoronaPushNativeObject + 400796

        26  FruityChef-0969                     0x0015a815 CoronaPushNativeObject + 409368

        27  FruityChef-0969                     0x0015a4fd CoronaPushNativeObject + 408576

        28  FruityChef-0969                     0x00159377 CoronaPushNativeObject + 404090

        29  FruityChef-0969                     0x000d6a29 start + 49817

        30  UIKit                               0x3514faa1 <redacted> + 252

        31  UIKit                               0x3514f625 <redacted> + 1168

        32  UIKit                               0x35147833 <redacted> + 698

        33  UIKit                               0x350efd1f <redacted> + 1010

        34  UIKit                               0x350ef7ad <redacted> + 72

        35  UIKit                               0x350ef1ef <redacted> + 6198

        36  GraphicsServices                    0x36e075f7 <redacted> + 590

        37  GraphicsServices                    0x36e07227 <redacted> + 34

        38  CoreFoundation                      0x332b53e7 <redacted> + 34

        39  CoreFoundation                      0x332b538b <redacted> + 138

        40  CoreFoundation                      0x332b420f <redacted> + 1382

        41  CoreFoundation                      0x3322723d CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 356

        42  CoreFoundation                      0x332270c9 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 104

        43  UIKit                               0x3514646d <redacted> + 668

        44  UIKit                               0x351432b9 UIApplicationMain + 1120

        45  FruityChef-0969                     0x000ca7ff start + 111

        46  FruityChef-0969                     0x000ca7b8 start + 40



Thanks for the report. This is a known issue in the native SDK and I am working on a fix.



There is a problem too with the init method on Android, at least in the 2.2 version of android, on android 4 it works fine but sometimes like 30% of times the plugin just crashes the app

Hey Phil, hope you resolve it soon. I am very close to release my game and want to use tap for tap. 



Any update on the status of this bug?  I cannot load up my game on iOS, get the same error.


I have fixed the iOS issue and am working on the fix for Android. I am hoping to get a release to Corona Friday.



The same error here on iOS today…


Thanks for the report. This is a known issue in the native SDK and I am working on a fix.



There is a problem too with the init method on Android, at least in the 2.2 version of android, on android 4 it works fine but sometimes like 30% of times the plugin just crashes the app

Hey Phil, hope you resolve it soon. I am very close to release my game and want to use tap for tap. 



Any update on the status of this bug?  I cannot load up my game on iOS, get the same error.


I have fixed the iOS issue and am working on the fix for Android. I am hoping to get a release to Corona Friday.



The same error here on iOS today…