tapfortap in ad-mediator

Is it posible to add tapfortap in ad-mediator?

aside for tapfortap is there any ads the may add in the ad-mediator that are not listed in the ad support for admediator?

I am not familiar with the ad-mediator plugin myself so I am unsure if Tap for Tap can be added in. From what I can gather the fellow who wrote it simply made bindings to already existing SDK’s, so I see no reason that he could no add in Tap for Tap, but you will have to ask him.

I am not familiar with the ad-mediator plugin myself so I am unsure if Tap for Tap can be added in. From what I can gather the fellow who wrote it simply made bindings to already existing SDK’s, so I see no reason that he could no add in Tap for Tap, but you will have to ask him.