@schizoid2k I wrote to you (although I seem to be having trouble finding the conversation) after you alluded on the forum to another library you took as inspiration, asking about it. Would that have been TextMesh Pro? The name rings a bell, and the features seem about right, but I’m not sure.
I looked at the library @Develephant linked above, and that got me reviewing stb’s truetype, which seems to have gotten some attention since I last touched it. In the last couple of days I brought the changes into the truetype plugin and am trying to clean it up.
It’s kind of a hybrid library. There’s texture-baking stuff, but also a way to get the raw shapes of glyphs and then go to town with them. I’ve started revisiting the samples and have gotten those in much better shape. A quick GIF of some stuff:

The “wireframe” is just a bunch of lines generated from the shape information, the first meshes sample uses meshes with per-vertex colors, the next jitters the information a bit, and the contours bit will just gradually lay out points along the shape. At the moment I also have a setting in code for the sort of jitter (instant or transitioned), so you’re seeing a different one at the end.
The library itself is pretty low-level, but I think it would lend itself well to having a more user-friendly Lua layer on top.
As an aside, I also just finished Paper Mario: The Origami King, and the series always has fun with text. I went into it with that in mind, actually, before this topic started.
For example: