I’m working on moving over to the facebookV4 plugin and having issues. I changed the build.settings as per the documentation and changed the “require” line. Now, when I first start the app on my device, I get a pop up immediately that says “ERROR: Need Facebook App ID”. Then it provides a couple of buttons ‘Get App ID’ and Integrate in Corona’. Are there other things I need to change in the facebook.login code?
BTW… I’m only working with Android right now.
Here is my build.settings code:
[lua]settings =
android =
versionCode = “10”,
usesPermissions =
usesFeatures =
{ name=“android.hardware.camera”, required=false },
{ name=“android.hardware.location”, required=false },
{ name=“android.hardware.location.gps”, required=false },
largeHeap = true
facebookAppId = “XXXXXXXXXXX”,
window =
defaultMode = “normal”,
defaultViewWidth = 640,
defaultViewHeight = 960,
resizable = true,
minViewWidth = 320,
minViewHeight = 480,
enableCloseButton = true,
enableMinimizeButton = true,
enableMaximizeButton = true,
suspendWhenMinimized = true,
titleText = {
– The “default” text will be used if the system is using a language and/or
– country code not defined below. This serves as a fallback mechanism.
default = “Window Title Test”,
– This text is used on English language systems in the United States.
– Note that the country code must be separated by a dash (-).
[“en‐us”] = “Window Title Test (English‐USA)”,
– This text is used on English language systems in the United Kingdom.
– Note that the country code must be separated by a dash (-).
[“en‐gb”] = “Window Title Test (English‐UK)”,
– This text is used for all other English language systems.
[“en”] = “Window Title Test (English)”,
– This text is used for all French language systems.
[“fr”] = “Window Title Test (French)”,
– This text is used for all Spanish language systems.
[“es”] = “Window Title Test (Spanish)”,
orientation =
default = “landscapeRight”,
iphone =
plist =
UIStatusBarHidden = true,
UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false,
FacebookAppID = “XXXXXXXXXXX”,
CFBundleURLTypes =
{ CFBundleURLSchemes = { “fbXXXXXXXXXXX”, } }
plugins =
[“plugin.facebook.v4”] =
publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,
[“plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications”] =
publisherId = “com.gamethrive”,
[“plugin.google.play.services”] =
publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,
supportedPlatforms = { android=true },