It doesn’t work on the iPhone real device(iphone6s) .The simulator works well.
– main.lua
display.setDefault( “background”, 1, 1, 1 )
– Load plugin library
local ui = require (“plugin.ui_framework”)
ui:init({screenScale = “manual”})
– ui:init() – default screen sacling. Define your scaling in config.lua file.
– function to calculate dpi points to pixels if we want to have very sharp app which uses full device resolution.
local toPx = ui.screen.toPx
local function touch()
ui.newToast(“my toast!”)
local function switchTouch(e)
ui.newToast("is on: "…tostring(e.isOn))
local function sliderTouch(e)
ui.newToast("progress: "…e.progress)
local x = display.contentWidth*.5
– navbar requires “” font for icons. Just drop the font next to main.lua file in your project.
local navbar = ui.newNavbar({title = “Application”, buttons = {back = {text = “home”, touchCallback = function() print(“back touched”) end}}})
navbar.x = display.contentWidth*.5
– ui.newButton({x = x*.25, y = toPx(50), style = “back”, touchCallback = touch})
ui.newButton({x = x, y = toPx(100), style = “flat”, touchCallback = touch})
ui.newButton({x = x, y = toPx(150), style = “flat_fill”, touchCallback = touch})
ui.newButton({x = x, y = toPx(200), style = “raised”, touchCallback = touch})
ui.newButton({x = x, y = toPx(250), style = “raised_fill”, touchCallback = touch})
ui.newButton({x = x, y = toPx(300), style = “float”, touchCallback = touch})
local switch = ui.newSwitch({x = x, y = toPx(350), touchCallback = switchTouch})
local slider = ui.newSlider({x = x, y = toPx(400), progress = .5, touchCallback = sliderTouch})
local progress = ui.newProgressBar({x = x, y = toPx(450), progress = 0})
progress:setProgress(.5, 500)
local frame = ui.newFrame({x = x, y = toPx(500), width = 320, height = 50})
local function newCard()
local card = ui.newCard({x = 180, y = 350,
title = “halo”, subtitle = “sub”, description = “long description for this cards”, width = toPx(320), height = 150,
buttons = { {text = “action1”, tag = “action1”}, {text = “hi”, touchCallback = function() end} }})
card.buttons[“action1”]:setTouchCallback(function() print(card) card:removeSelf() end)
ui.newButton({x = x, y = toPx(500), text = “show card”, style = “raised”, touchCallback = newCard})
local widget = require( “widget” )
local function onRowRender(e)
local row = e.row
– Cache the row “contentWidth” and “contentHeight” because the row bounds can change as children objects are added
local rowHeight = row.contentHeight
local rowWidth = row.contentWidth
row:insert(ui.newRow({title = “halo”…row.params, width = rowWidth}))
print(“row rendered”)
local tableView = widget.newTableView(
left = 0,
top = display.contentHeight - toPx(100),
height = toPx(100),
width = display.contentWidth,
onRowRender = onRowRender,
–noLines = true,
onRowTouch = function(e) ui.newToast("progress: "…e.row.params) end,
–listener = scrollListener
for i = 1, 40 do
– Insert a row into the tableView
isCategory = false,
rowHeight = toPx(48),
rowColor = { default={1,1,1}, over={1,0.5,0,0.2} },
–lineColor = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }
params = i
plugins = {
[‘plugin.ui_framework’] = {publisherId = ‘com.skyjoy’}