Updating Facebook ?

Hi guys!

I have two questions:

1)This week I updated an iOS app with the daily corona (3480). but I received a warning that says:"Deprecated Info.plist Key - The Info.plist contains a key ‘UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend’ in bundle XXXXXX that will soon be unsupported. Remove the key, rebuild your app and resubmit. "

But the documentation says it is necessary: https://docs.coronalabs.com/plugin/facebook-v4a/index.html

2)When I connect to my facebook developer page in the screen related to my app I find myself saying warnings that advise me to use Facebook 5 for all the features.
But corona does not have such a version … is there an update or can something be done?

I wouldn’t be too hung up on removing that. In the old day, iOS let apps exit, but it’s been a very long time since iOS has even accepted an asset that exits. The default for UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend is false, and no supported version of iOS defaults that to true any more. It can probably be safely removed. It’s also no harm to leave it either, it will just be ignored.

We need to update to Facebook 5, but we cannot even think about doing that until we complete the Google 64-bit requirement.


I wouldn’t be too hung up on removing that. In the old day, iOS let apps exit, but it’s been a very long time since iOS has even accepted an asset that exits. The default for UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend is false, and no supported version of iOS defaults that to true any more. It can probably be safely removed. It’s also no harm to leave it either, it will just be ignored.

We need to update to Facebook 5, but we cannot even think about doing that until we complete the Google 64-bit requirement.
