Using Atlas

Hello does anyone know how to use a texture Atlas than separated images? all the examples use:

function skeleton:createImage (attachment)
    – Customize where images are loaded.
    return display.newImage(“examples/spineboy/images/” … … “.png”)

what if I want to use the Atlas spine exports?


I think it is pretty difficult to set up.

If you use texture packer and spinehelper, you can use Spritesheets. Means an extra step, but still better then a lot of separate images.


I have dropped a (really) small online service to convert atlas files to LUA ones that might fit your need.

This has to be used with SpineHelper and even if I am not sure that it’s a good idea to use it for real projects (because TexturePacker is much better than the embed Spine tool), to build a draft, that’s quite enough.

An example is included.

Have fun :wink:


I think it is pretty difficult to set up.

If you use texture packer and spinehelper, you can use Spritesheets. Means an extra step, but still better then a lot of separate images.


I have dropped a (really) small online service to convert atlas files to LUA ones that might fit your need.

This has to be used with SpineHelper and even if I am not sure that it’s a good idea to use it for real projects (because TexturePacker is much better than the embed Spine tool), to build a draft, that’s quite enough.

An example is included.

Have fun :wink:
