utf8 plugin - error in HTML5

I’m trying to implement the utf8 plugin in a html5 project, but when the build runs on the browser I get this:

My implementation is ok:

my lua file:
local utf8 = require("plugin.utf8")


    plugins = {
        ["plugin.utf8"] = {
            publisherId = "com.coronalabs",

the error says that the plugin doesn’t was loaded:

could it be that you need to copy the original lua files to your web folder

Thank you @kakula but it seems that plugin.utf8 doesn’t suport html5 yet… I found this post: https://forums.solar2d.com/t/utf8-plugin-error/347139

I came across the same thing and I found alternative solutions on github, there is no necessary link at hand now. But as a result, I made an assembly from different options that worked for me as a result. If I find it randomly, I’ll let you know, but don’t get your hopes up.

Thank you @Qugurun I found an alternative for the utf8.char method:

utf8 = {}
utf8.char = function(...)
  local function encode(code)
            if type(code) ~= "number" then
                code = tonumber(code)
                if not code then
                    --error("Expected a number, got " .. type(code) .. " (" .. tostring(code) .. ")")
            if code <= 0x7F then
                return string.char(code)
            elseif code <= 0x7FF then
                return string.char(
                    0xC0 + math.floor(code / 0x40),
                    0x80 + (code % 0x40)
            elseif code <= 0xFFFF then
                return string.char(
                    0xE0 + math.floor(code / 0x1000),
                    0x80 + (math.floor(code / 0x40) % 0x40),
                    0x80 + (code % 0x40)
            elseif code <= 0x10FFFF then
                return string.char(
                    0xF0 + math.floor(code / 0x40000),
                    0x80 + (math.floor(code / 0x1000) % 0x40),
                    0x80 + (math.floor(code / 0x40) % 0x40),
                    0x80 + (code % 0x40)
                --error("Unicode code point out of range: " .. tostring(code))
        local chars = {}
        for _, code in ipairs({...}) do
            if type(code) ~= "number" then
                code = tonumber(code)
                if not code then
                    --error("Expected a number, got " .. type(code) .. " (" .. tostring(code) .. ")")
            table.insert(chars, encode(code))
        return table.concat(chars)

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