Hi, i want to migrate my existing app to the v4a version of the plugin.
I thougt the best way would be just to use the sample app from the SDK (latest daily build 2018.3333) and see how it works.
I inserted my fb app ID in the build settings (local myFacebookAppID = …) and compiled the
app for IOS,
When I start the app on an IOS device where facebbook is installed and enabled the app is responding
like so:
00:05 Button Facebook app enabled? > true
00:11 Button Login > opens Safari and prompts the user to login via Facebook App
00:38 Button Get user > shows the correct user (Anton Huber)
00:45 Button Share photo dialog > prompts again with Safari and a user login page, but will never show a share photo dialog…returning back to app.
here is a smal video I made from the app running on the device
Is there something I am missing?
Btw…my App in FB Developer Center is still in development status.
What I want to achieve is this:
- Silent login to facebook when the user opens my app
- Ability to post a photo to the the users facebook timeline or a facebook page which is owened by the user.
Maybe someone could share a view lines of code …
Thanks for any help.