Various Flurry Issues

So, we are tracking down a couple flurry issues from last weeks release,

  1. iOS 9: no users in Flurry data with iOS 9

  2. Under-report of sessions vs. Apple analytics

I looked at the flurry plugin source and I saw that it references 4.x.x (at least on the Android side) and wanted to know if there’s a plan to revision Flurry to the 6.x.x release?

Any info would be appreciated.

I’m wondering the same thing… 

We white listed the flurry website in the build settings and now we see ios 9 users.

ahhh, that makes sense. Flurry isn’t using https. So this then

NSAppTransportSecurity =
NSExceptionDomains =

This might explain why I have not been seeing data when I though I should have.  Can I get a clarification on which “flurry website” we’re talking about here?  Is the below correct?

I am noticing incorrect data in TestFlight as well – i wonder if i am not seeing installs from iOS9 devices and if adding or would help.

NSAppTransportSecurity = { NSExceptionDomains = { [""] = { NSIncludesSubdomains = true, NSThirdPartyExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads = true }, }, },


I’m wondering the same thing… 

We white listed the flurry website in the build settings and now we see ios 9 users.

ahhh, that makes sense. Flurry isn’t using https. So this then

NSAppTransportSecurity =
NSExceptionDomains =

This might explain why I have not been seeing data when I though I should have.  Can I get a clarification on which “flurry website” we’re talking about here?  Is the below correct?

I am noticing incorrect data in TestFlight as well – i wonder if i am not seeing installs from iOS9 devices and if adding or would help.

NSAppTransportSecurity = { NSExceptionDomains = { [""] = { NSIncludesSubdomains = true, NSThirdPartyExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads = true }, }, },
