Vungle callback not running but ads are showing

Hi All,

Sorry for the delay.

We verified that all events are fired correctly.

Please contact us through if you still have an issue with Vungle Corona Plugin.



Thank you for the fix, all events fire now.

Hi All,

Thanks so much for your confirmation!!

And, sorry for the inconvenience.



Have these issues been properly fixed as no callbacks are firing on IOS nor on Android, but ads are being shown.

Vungle informed me that they are having issues with test ads not working, so even non-live apps (i.e.; apps still in testing phase) are will only show live ads instead of test ads. Not sure if this is the cause for callbacks not firing?

Using Corona build 2016.2937.

Hi jacques1.

We verified that callback issue has been fixed.

We still have an issue in Test mode setting on our dashboard, but a live ad should work properly.

Callbacks should be fired correctly with live ads.

If you still have an issue with Vungle, please send a message to



Same here! 

The callback is not firing for me either. I launched the Vungle sample app and the callback is not firing there either so the buttons never change from waiting to ready to play. It did work a few weeks ago though.

Tested on Samsung Galaxy Tab Active and iPhone 5s.

I should mention I’m only seeing this with android as that’s all I’m testing on.


I have the same issue. Two weeks later we publish some apps with ads and the plugin was working as expected. Yesterday I tried to add vungle ads to other apps and is not working. Is it possible that the apps that were already published and working may be broken!? It can be a major issue as we could have thousands of users angry. We would appreciate a fast answer. Thank you.

Pau Ors.

I believe your existing app is working fine. I noticed when running a copy of my game built 5 days ago that the callback was working fine, leading me to believe its an issue with the plugin code that is now being pulled in on build.

Has any one contacted Vungle?

Nope. I haven’t at least.


I’ve sent a request to vungle and a bug report to Corona. No answer yet. I’ll keep you informed.

Pau Ors.

Vungle committed a new plugin four days ago and introduced some bugs. They are the only ones who can fix it.


People at Vungle are working on it. It seem they were aware of this bug. They asked me for some information about the app. Hopefully they will solve it soon.

Pau Ors.

Hi All,

Sorry for the late reply. I am Aki from Vungle.

We have been working on this issue as the first priority at a moment.

Please allow me to notify back to this thread as soon as we verify this issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience,



We’re having the same issue…

Ok, any chance to revert the plugin to the previous version in the meantime? That would be helpful if possible.

Hi All,

Thanks for your patience.

We updated our Plugin with the fix in Corona repository. Please try it.

Sorry for the inconvenience,



Seems like it is working now. Thanks!