Vungle callback not running but ads are showing

Well, I am getting the callbacks now, but seems something is still up. I dont recieve any “adView” phase callbacks. These were useful because they actually told me if the user watched the ad or not. I am getting these other 3 callbacks in the corona docs though just not the adView.

Getting these:






Not getting this:


name “adsRequest” provider “vungle” type “adView” isError false totalAdSeconds the total length of the video in seconds secondsWatched the length of the longest view by the user, in seconds isCompletedView true if the user watched 80% of the video; false otherwise

Is this happening for anyone else?

Yep, same here. I am not notified of any adView event, while the other 3 are firing.

Also it would be useful to get the totalAdSeconds property with the adStart and/or adEnd phases as well, it that’s possible.


It’s working on my projects and all events are fired, even the adView.

Yea, seems all is working now.

Hi All,

Sorry for the delay.

We verified that all events are fired correctly.

Please contact us through if you still have an issue with Vungle Corona Plugin.



Thank you for the fix, all events fire now.

Hi All,

Thanks so much for your confirmation!!

And, sorry for the inconvenience.



Have these issues been properly fixed as no callbacks are firing on IOS nor on Android, but ads are being shown.

Vungle informed me that they are having issues with test ads not working, so even non-live apps (i.e.; apps still in testing phase) are will only show live ads instead of test ads. Not sure if this is the cause for callbacks not firing?

Using Corona build 2016.2937.

Hi jacques1.

We verified that callback issue has been fixed.

We still have an issue in Test mode setting on our dashboard, but a live ad should work properly.

Callbacks should be fired correctly with live ads.

If you still have an issue with Vungle, please send a message to

