Welcome to inneractive


I’ve reported it on a number of occasions. However, now that I am one of the Corona Ambassadors I was able to report this to my Ansca contact directly. I did that last night, and it has been handed over to the Ansca staff.

Ansca definitely wants to get this resolved and enable developers to generate ad revenue using Inneractive.

Hopefully we should hear something soon.

Ken [import]uid: 16734 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 94946[/import]

@Orly, any news about my issue in using m2m?

[import]uid: 74338 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 94964[/import]

Has anyone checked the banner ads on ipad3/newiPad?
I can’t see them anywhere.
My config file is set for iPad:
width = 768
height = 1024
scale = “letterbox”

And I place them at different places depending on what screen one is on, but can’t see them anywhere.
For example: x=display.contentWidth/2 - 383 and y=0 does not show at all.
how do i go around this such that it works for both iPads?
Luciane [import]uid: 32063 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 97207[/import]

@Luciane, I believe this is an issue with iOS 5.1. Can you check your console log in XCode and see if you’re getting an error when the ad request is supposed to happen?

I’ve made Ansca aware of this. I’m not getting ads on my iPhone 4 either, which is running 5.1 either.
[import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 97216[/import]

thanks for replying.
weird stuff happens…
after quite a while being in the game on iPad3 to see if ads would appear the game crashed. When I went in again the ads appeared all in the right place and game never crashed again.
it is like there is an “incubation” time for the ads to show.

about iPhone, we spent the morning tuning for that. first we could not see the ads anywhere, then we figured out that when using ad for iPhone set-up in inneractive, even though the device was iPhone4 iOS5.1 (960x64) the ads think the resolution is 480x320. So the ads were all off screen, even when we used hard coordinates like x=480-160 (middle of the screen minus half the ad width to center it, it would end up somewhere else. You have to position them taking this into account. try it. start by placing the ads at x-0 and y-0, you will see them.
let me know.
Luciane [import]uid: 32063 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 97222[/import]


I have been testing the free version of our game that has ads for quite a while and have never been served an innapropriate ad on my iPad.
Yesterday while testing it on one of our users’ (male) iPhone, we got served a “Naughty Dating” ad.
Our game is set on Inneractive with category Brain and Puzzles and age group All.
It seems to me that the ad serving engine goes around that and serves ads based on the device owner. Which is not good because the device owner’s kid could be playing on his dad’s device and get that kind of ad.
Anybody else experienced that?

Orly, can you explain how the ad serving engine makes the deicison of what ad to serve?

thanks, Luciane [import]uid: 32063 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 97345[/import]

These are my indexes in 2 days.
Requests 1,774
FR 99.718%
CTR 3.957%
eCPM $0.76
Revenues $1.34

These are my indexes in 8 days.
Requests 2,257
FR 92.645%
CTR 2.487%
eCPM $0.28
Revenues $0.59

Expected bigger but what here to do. Who will tell at other operators of advertizing, it is more expensive? [import]uid: 127791 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 97386[/import]

Dear all developers in this forum,

I would like to share with you that we are going to upload a very big campaign for US traffic on iOS over this weekend.
Starting from Friday morning (GMT+2) until Sunday morning (GMT+2). If you are able to increase your US iOS traffic with us - this will surely boost your monthly revenues!

Looking to see you increasing your traffic and making more money:) [import]uid: 109623 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 102065[/import]

i have tried inneractive many days…
i have made a simple compare
see below reports

date imp CTR Clk eCPM revenue perClick
2012/04/17 390 13.25% 52 1.11 0.43 $0.008325
2012/04/18 721 10.56% 77 1.09 0.79 $0.010206
2012/04/22 4320 14.56% 630 1.11 4.80 $0.007619
2012/04/23 1192 16.46% 197 1.42 1.70 $0.008629
2012/04/24 4652 14.74% 686 1.26 5.84 $0.008506
2012/04/26 2997 14.58% 437 0.44 1.31 $0.003002

that’s all report i have got these days…
i have got high CPR…average more than 10%
however the perClick cost is lower then $0.01
—ON 2012/04/26 —it decreased to [$0.003]!! and i just don’t figure out
what’s going to happen.
can u explain it?
actually i wanna say that …inneractive have pretty good fill rate…
but…u didn’t share your profit with programmers…so much…
how could u expect we use it more?
and i have tried admob…for couple days…

–admob reports below
date imp CTR Clk eCPM revenue perClick
2012/4/26 485 1.89% 8 0.81 0.34 $0.042500
2012/4/25 218 8.06% 15 2.02 0.38 $0.025333
2012/4/24 362 2.92% 10 0.36 0.12 $0.012000
2012/4/23 237 7.66% 18 2.32 0.55 $0.030556
2012/4/22 581 4.46% 25 1.59 0.89 $0.035600

admob compare to inneractive
it got 0.12 to 0.4 dollar perClick …
even though lower is 0.12…
actually…it’s higher than inneractive one(0.01)…
and the highest is 0.42… four times…

so…how could i live with just 1~5 dollars per day?
it’s impossible…
i have supply a platform for ad. i deserve a better profit isn’t it?
if inneractive can’t support higher profit

@corona staff …
please support admob…ASAP!!!
can u hear our sound?
we need it!!
native support! [import]uid: 25057 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103433[/import]


Nice sharing!
Also nice to see one more “voice” here telling that getting less than 0.01c is really hard to “survive”.

I`ve been telling this same thing around here so much some time ago, but I did not get to be “heard” too. :frowning:

As I know Corona, they want us to succeed and is right by this sentence always they say that I still believe that Ansca or (maybe) inneractive will listen to us Corona Developers.

PS: Seriously, looking my inneractive stats everyday and seeing many, lots of clicks with value less than 1 miserable cent is really hard and very contraditorius to the Ansca “sentence” and is it that makes me believe that something have to change soon.
Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103444[/import]

I will tell more, since May 1 to us two professional programmers come to team. And we considered option with purchase still licenses for “IOS” with Corona SDK but after work with “inneractive” we have understood that so it is not favorable to us. Now there are many designers and cursors. Where it is possible to work with same “AdMob” without dances with tambourines. But personally I have already got used to “Corona SDK” and would not like to pass a platform on the friend. But in connection with earnings problems on advertizing networks, probably to us it should be made. I already am silent about not to support of “ARMv6” and it is a large market.

Dear “Ansa” if you will read it, think of it. Make support of other networks such as “AdMob” do not put us in a framework, give us freedom, and we will be grateful to you!

? ??? ???, ? 1 ??? ? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???. ? ?? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ?? “IOS” ? Corona SDK ?? ??? ??? ? “inneractive” ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???. ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ???. ??? ??? ??? ? ???-?? “AdMob” ??? ??? ? ???. ?? ??? ? ??? ??? ? “Corona SDK” ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???. ?? ? ??? ? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???, ??? ??? ??? ??? ???. ? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? “ARMv6” ? ??? ??? ???.

??? “Ansa” ??? ?? ??? ???, ??? ??? ???. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? “AdMob” ?? ??? ??? ? ???, ??? ??? ???, ? ?? ??? ??? !!!

Requests Impressions Fill Rate Clicks CTR eCPM Revenues
50,090 44,803 89.445 % 2,458 5.486 % $0.67 $29.82

I while have decided to use the services “lunarads” [import]uid: 127791 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103465[/import]

>>we need it!!
>>native support!

Admob just have new SDK (v6) with native iOS and Android support:
https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/download [import]uid: 12704 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103533[/import]

gtatarkin - that so to waste time on trifles, give at once and Android SDK with Eclipse IDE. Then Corona SDK not on yes.


http://eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/galileosr2 [import]uid: 127791 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103600[/import]

I agree that we need AdMob, I pay so I can ask new features.

I have just to send to Android Market a very simple app with native AdMob and Android SDK (1 week to build it and free) and I earn $2/day with AdMob; with an Android Corona Game and Inneractive Ads after 5 months and 11.000 downloads I only have earned $7. So it’s clear I NEED ADMOB IN CoronaSDK or I’ll quit soon Corona.

PD: I tested every fix to show AdMob in Corona but no revenu. [import]uid: 41145 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103694[/import]

Hi guys,

I’d like to share with you numbers, which supports our need for admob, not inneractive.

Since launch of GP, having 11k downloads (2 weeks), and inneractive stats of:

Requests Impressions Fill Rate Clicks CTR eCPM Revenues
259,982 215,595 82.927 % 491 0.228 % $0.04 $7.60

I find it very… funny :slight_smile:

Not to say that friends with admob apps, get MUCH MUCH more revenue than from inneractive.

There’s another issue of the games and their ability to monetise through ads. People are more willing to click the ad in the content app, then in the game, a it actually interrupts the gameplay.

Still, admob wins with inneractive big time if it comes to eCPMs…

ANSCA, WE NEED ADMOB! [import]uid: 77763 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103695[/import]

I have used recently lunarads.com which to me has given all support with integration. For what I am very grateful. And you will not believe, I began to receive have arrived much more. Here some indicators.

$25 5 9.80 $0.05 20.00 % of $0.25 (Views/Imps Clicks ECPM EPC CTR Revenue)
$49 4 3.29 $0.04 8.16 % of $0.16 (Views/Imps Clicks ECPM EPC CTR Revenue)

It for yesterday evening, at me in inneractive more than 2 500 clicks. And low earnings.

At present for me use is ideal

? ??? ??? lunarads.com, ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ???. ?? ??? ? ??? ???. ? ?? ?? ???, ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???. ??? ??? ???.

25 5 $9.80 $0.05 20.00% $0.25 (Views/Imps Clicks ECPM EPC CTR Revenue)
49 4 $3.29 $0.04 8.16% $0.16 (Views/Imps Clicks ECPM EPC CTR Revenue)

??? ?? ??? ???, ? ??? ? inneractive ??? 2 500 ???. ? ??? ???.

?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
https://lunarads.com [import]uid: 127791 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103715[/import]


“I already am silent about not to support of “ARMv6” and it is a large market.”

agree with you on this point. slightly off topic but not having support for these devices is a real pain. Arm6 are perfectly able to run other apps so why not corona built apps?

[import]uid: 74338 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103719[/import]


I’ve have heard amazing results from a company called Chartboost (i’m not related with them jejeje). The only problem is that for the moment they don’t support Corona.

Does Corona have any plans regarding to support this service??

[import]uid: 84893 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103767[/import]

Hey guys,

I appreciate you have concerns and we are working to address what we can - keep your eyes open for the new roadmap coming shortly.

In the meantime, this thread is for discussion on inneractive. If what you have to say has nothing to do with inneractive and is simply “I want admob” or “I want to talk about armv6 some more” then please move to Off Topic, Feature Requests, etc.

We do not closely monitor this thread so if you have questions or requests for Ansca then please, post them where we are all going to see them. (Feature Requests sub forum.)

Peach [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103815[/import]

Edited by Peach: Removed. [import]uid: 9046 topic_id: 19981 reply_id: 103854[/import]