Well last night my little home-brewed puzzle/physics game was approved by Apple. It too is a free game with Inneractive banner ads. I’m set for a 30s refresh rate, and the banner is up the entire time the player plays the game
Although it’s been only 12 hours now, I wanted to share the results with everyone because I think it’s important for people to know what to expect, and -hopefully- to share experiences so we all can have more realistic expectations.
Since someone else posted stats in this thread, I thought I’d post mine from the first ~12 hours with Inneractive banner ads. (This is iPhone/iPad only!)
Impressions: 1626
Fill Rate: 99.026% (Nice!)
Clicks: 22
CTR: 1.353%
eCPM: $0.13
Revenue: $0.21
In the US, which I would expect to be among the most lucrative markets, 836 impressions received a whopping 7 clicks! (0.84% CTR)
So the fill rate is there and I congratulate Inneractive on that. However, the eCPM is so far from what Inneractive promises on one of their pages, that it’s a bit disheartening to say the least. I read somewhere on their site about a 3x higher eCPM then some other service (was it inMobi, I forget), which was stated as a $1 eCPM average.
Being ~15x short of that claim is a bit troubling to say the least. I didn’t expect to get rich or even live off a single relatively simple game, but at ~ $0.42 a day on the critical first month I will probably not even get to the threshold where I actually get paid a dime by Inneractive. I hope things vastly improve the next few days, and I’ll definitely be back to update my experiences.
So far I’m underwhelmed. I guess I will have to update quickly with a full-page ad thrown in somewhere and see if that improves things a bit.
Thanks to Orly for the open communication, and I hope I’ll be able to write a better review of my experiences in the near future!
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